YouTuber Andrew Cross Dead to 36, downloaded from life support

The star of YouTube Andrew Cross Dead 36, who took off life support 1 month after a car crash

Andrew Cross With the kind assistance of Andrew Cross/Instagram

YouTube Star Andrew Cross Dies on Tuesday, March 4After lifetime support after injuries derived from a car accident. He was 36.

Cross, who was an outdoor adventure guide, suffered a traumatic brain injury on January 31, after entering a car accident. He remained hospitalized for just over a month before his family decides Take it out of life of lifeS

“Andrew’s spirit is free, surrounded by light and love,” his sister, Jennawrote on Tuesday through carrie Created to give fans an update to his health battle. “He went to be with the Lord today.”

She called the “peaceful” moment of her brother, “full of love in the room” as a woman of Cross, EveinHe was “to his side” as well as his parents and close friends.

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“This is a great loss for all of us and we are extremely grateful for your unwavering support and prayers,” Jenna writes. “All this was our heart to be full of faith, so we wouldn’t look back and we wonder” what if … “I thank you for walking with it with us.”

Jenna noted that before the family removed a cross of life support, doctors put it on a mobile fan. YouTuber was then accepted around the entire ICU, “while all the available staff dressed the corridor as a way to honor it.”

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“Then in the room, friends and family read Scripture, prayed and sang during the process of eliminating life support and more than an hour after that,” she said. “It was calm and beautiful.”

Speaking on behalf of her loved ones, Jenna writes: “Andrew has indeed lived his life to the end and his history and impact have not yet ended. It was great to get to know him in new ways, as we saw photos and stories shared by so much. We look forward to more than that as we honor our lives well. “

The star of YouTube Andrew Cross Dead 36, who took off life support 1 month after a car crash

Andrew Cross With the kind assistance of Andrew Cross/Instagram

Cross, which was known as “Desert drift” of their followersThere were over 400,000 subscribers on his YouTube page. As a content creator, he shared videos about “Study and Adventure with a Historical Round” in his biography.

His work had more than 68 million views from his accession to the platform in November 2023.

After his incident at the end of January, Cross’s wife, Evelyn, He took his page on YouTube To tell his followers about his injury.

“Friday night, Andrew was in a really bad incident. He is currently in the intensive treatment ward, fighting his life from a really severe brain trauma, “she said in the video, published on February 2.

Evelyn explained: “This community really meant a lot to him and for both of us in the last year. … For those of you who feel comfortable praying for him, please pray for him. For those of you who feel comfortable sending good thoughts, please send them too. “

The family also set up a Gofundme page to help their medical expenses. During the death of CROS, the page reached $ 479,491 donations.

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