One of the great winners of 2023 was Ryan Goslingwho won hearts and nomination for an Academy Greta Gerviga massive and recognized hit, BarbieS But the greater part of his career – which started together Britney Spears. Justin Timberlake and others in New Mickey Mouse Club – It is dominated by strange, dark roles that are definitely not funny.
As an adult, he first caught the attention of critics as a Jewish neo -Nazi in 2001. Believer And then as a teacher addicted to heroin in 2006. Half -nelsonS He followed this movie with 2007 Lars and the real girlSweet comedy who presented him in an engaged relationship with a sex doll.
One of his most mischievous and undervalued films is Andrew Yareki All the good thingsA criminal thriller inspired by the shocking case of real life of Robert Dratwho receives his own spotlight in the true doxerings of crime The JinxS Co -involvement Kirsten DunstThe film was largely ignored when it was released in 2010 and is practically forgotten today. It is a crime in itself, as the film includes one of the best performances of Gosling and a story that combines from beginning to end.
What are all the good things for?
Gosling plays David Marx, son of wealthy real estate tycoon in New York Sanford Marx (Frank Langella). One day David impulsively marries Katie McCarthy of a lower class (Dunst). Their relationship starts great: they move to Vermont, start a healthy food store called all good things, and establish a modest life that is completely different from David’s privileged education.
Their curtsey does not last as David cannot withdraw from his father’s powerful influence. Soon David was enrolled in a medical school to please Sanford and began to ignore Katie. Things come to the head when Katie becomes pregnant, which breaks David’s plans. He does not want children for reasons that have never been fully explained, and he is adamant that she receives an abortion she really doesn’t want.
When Katie is considering a divorce and begins to accumulate evidence that will support her case, she suddenly disappears. What happened to her? And did David or his influential family had anything to do with him?
What does all the good things worth watching?

Kirsten Dunst looks in a mirror as Ryan Gosling looks at all good things.
Magnolia PicturesThis is just the beginning of a long, strange story that jumps forward in time and includes not one but two mysterious deaths and a trial with a shocking end. Some may call this story too ridiculous to believe and maybe it is, but since it is based on a real case, it is both effective and freezing. The fact that this has happened in real life gives All the good things Authenticity that has few films in this genre. No one here is boiling bunnies or stunning people with ice – what you see is fictional, but based on real people and real events.
As much as it is conquered All the good things“The story is that it means nothing if the cast was not so effective. Some Dunst requisites should be given for a difficult role that could become an eternally complaining spouse. The fact that her Katie is always cute and never pathetic is a testament to Dunst’s talent as an actress who finds shades of depth in almost every role she embodies. She will later win awards for Melancholy and The power of the dogBut her work here is just as good and convincing.

Ryan Gosling and Kirsten Dunst are driving in a car together in all good things.
Magnolia PicturesLet’s talk a little about the supporting cast of this movie, which is healthy with the two actors of characters you would expect in this type of paintings and comedy actors who show a different side of themselves. Like Sanford, Langella is wonderful as a corrupt patriarch who wants to control his son. Nickname and Christian Wig pop up as large as they are in such comedies as Parks and recreation and BridesmaidAccordingly, their performances in this movie make you want them to take more dramatic roles.
However, Gosling is the one who dominates the movie. His David is many things: a loving husband, an obedient son and a man eventually torn apart between his own desires and ambitions of his family. You have to believe that Katie can fall in love with him and also believe she is able to kill her to get what she wants. Gosling plays both sides of this coin brilliantly, and its presentation is just as multilayer as its later work in The place beyond the pines and FirstS
Where do all good things stream free?
The end of All the good things Isn’t it all as surprising if you know something about the Durst case, but the movie’s main appeal is Gosling’s performance as David, who can be as charming as his Ken, but he is also a little more outrageous and possibly dangerous. The movie itself is a quiet thriller, less concerned about shock value than by drawing a portrait of a man caught between two worlds and a woman who pays too high a price for her ambitions.
It can be forgotten, but it has not disappeared and thanks to tubes you can transmit it now for free. Be sure to watch one of the best thrillers of 2010
All the good things transmits to Pipes Now.