Why Sebastian Roche since 1923 asked the root women for “forgiveness”

Sebastian Roche is no stranger to play villains, but a brutal moment in 1923 He made him change his approach.

In an interview with US WeeklyThe actor, 60 -year -old, thinks about the preparation for the capture of his character, Father Reno, murder Lena RobinsonBaapuxti – a student in the North Dakota boarding school for indigenous Americans – in Season 1. “There was a whole room full of root (s) young American young women,” Roche recalls. “Before the scene, I wanted to clear the air and talk about what we would do because we recreate () the story that really happened.”

“I wanted to clear the air by asking forgiveness before we made the scene,” Vampire diaries Alum continued. “It really helped not only everyone (other) to ease tension, but also, because I suddenly felt incredibly emotional in these scenes.”

“(This is) so realistic that I really became incredibly emotional and nervous,” Roche explained, noting that “I was really physically exhausted afterwards.”

In 1923, Roche’s father Reno was the North Dakota’s violent director for indigenous Americans, where Baapuxti and her cousin Theon Rain Water (Amina Neves) are students. In Season 1, the Teoni kills two violent nuns before escaping into the night. After the priest discovers the deceased women, he interrogates Baapkti about answers. When she refuses to reveal where the Teonna escaped, Father Renault kills her. Season 2 rises where the final has stoppedWith Father Reno and American Marshals looking for Theonna.

1923 Sebastian Rosh asked the root women for forgiveness

Sebastian Roche as Father Renault in 1923 Emerson Miller/Paramount+

The shooting of Season 2 was “physical taxation as well as emotional taxation,” Roche told USAnoting that his character goes through a “change” in Yelloustone The return of Prequel. “He is accompanied by this marshal, which may be even more unmistakable than him, so he sees Alter Ego, something like a carbon copy of himself, which makes him start to question certain things for himself.”

For Roché – whose previous roles include Vampire’s diaries“Michael Mikaalson and Common hospitalS Jerry Jax – It is essential not to look at his characters as “evil” or “bad” when he brings them to the screen on the screen. Instead, he chooses to go through a “psychological assessment” of character.

Anthony Hopkins He has always told me (yes) I read the script – he reads the script 80 times – and in the end the script will tell you his secrets, “he told USAS “I could find (Father Renault) is a terrifying character, but where does this ruthlessness come from?”

“He imposes so much energy and focus and this is a rather exhausting character to play in the best possible way because he is so rich,” Roche added. “He may be one -sided to you, but for me he is extremely rich.”

Roche is looking forward to viewers to witness his character’s journey to play in Season 2. “You will see many different aspects of Father Renault,” he added, “which I found really, really exciting and interesting.”

Season 2 of 1923 Premieres on Sunday, February 23, on Paramount+.

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