Tom Sandov was intentional when he joined the cast of Traitors… And being alone was definitely not part of the plan.
“One thing I was very adamant about is that I just didn’t want to be a traitor,” said the 42 -year -old Sandoval, said exceptionally US WeeklyS “If Alan (Kuming) He would choose me to be a traitor, I would leave the castle myself. Just, I didn’t have the desire. “
VanderPump rules Alum continued to equate his disgust to a traitor in the show of a child, forced to play an instrument, “against them who want to play an instrument.”
“The person who wants to play an instrument will be much better in him,” he explained. “I knew there were people who really wanted to be traitors. So I was like, “I just won’t be good at that.”
Knowing that he is coming to the show for the purpose of his back (“I definitely felt it,” Sandoval said) did not stop the reality TV star just to enjoy the experience – the one he says VanderPump rules Set.
“This is a more positive, fun play environment that will make people see me in a different light,” he said, adding that the meaning of the show is not to “start a drama”, but instead it is “just playing the game and having fun.”
“The ridiculous fabrications that come with him and the camp of all this,” he added, laughing. “I just knew people would see another country.”
Sandoval, which also appeared in Season 2 of the hit show Special Forces: The most difficult test in the worldlearn to be right now and evaluate an attempt at exactly what it is – whether it is good or bad.
Good, for example, was a shooting Traitors On the spot in Scotland.
“First of all, entering this castle in Scotland was just such an incredible experience,” he said.
Bad Traitors Competitors.
“What was crazy too is, just before we entered the cast, they stopped us and did something,” he explained. “They did a lot of things this season they had never done in previous seasons, and one of them is, you know, someone in a mask cloak reveals themselves (Surviving‘s) Boston RobS And that you can choose to partner with it and drive away someone from the bat. “
He continued, “It was a little nervous wrapping.”
At this point Sandoval says his colleague competitor Carolyn Wiger was tempted to join in Surviving Alum.
“She stood right next to me and was like,” Oh, it’s Boston Rob. Should I do it? I was like, “No! Don’t do that! “He explained with a laugh.
Sandoval was eventually killed in episode 10, the penultimate episode of the show, and says he not only proud of his time in the program, but is grateful for what the experience ultimately provided him – a challenge for campus and a lot of fun.
Reporting by Amanda Williams