This duet of the $ 20 natural deodorant will make you smell fresh

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Thanks to my maternal genetics and intensive athletics in high school, I wore Male deodorant Because I was a teenager. Mostly loyal brand, I shop from time to time when I want to switch flavors or act on sale.

According to my experience, the male deodorant turned out to work better than his marketing colleagues and if you enjoy neutral or finely male scents, it smells just as well. In short, I do not have any trouble to use products targeted at men.

What I am worried about is the use of elements that are not good for me or the environment. Therefore Blu Atlas without aluminum deodorant – It is sold with the company’s exfoliating bar soap – it caught my attention. This is intense enough to neutralize All Body food is still made with natural ingredients, including bamboo extract and sage leaves.

Take Blu Atlas Everyday Body Duo for $ 20 In Blu Atlas!

With the participation of the popular brand deodorant without aluminum and exfoliating bar soap, Blu Atlas Daily Duet Cost is up to $ 20 when you subscribe and save. If you’ve ever tried natural (also known as aluminum) deodorant, you understand the fight to maintain a fresh aroma. The common culprit of the body odor when switching to a natural deodorant is not properly detoxifying your pits. Exfoliation of armpits is crucial, therefore the included bar soap, containing jojoba beads, aloe and shea butter, to leave pits – and smelling – oh, so fresh. Goodbye, accumulation!

Blu Atlas is proud that its items are made with 96% natural materials (consider plants, fruits and minerals). Therefore, the “classic” aroma of deodorant and soap is a luxurious combination of ingredients derived from fruits and plants, including bergamot, sage and patchouli.

Both designed for everyday use, deodorant can neutralize the smell to 48 hours, and soap bar exfoliates and moisturizes the pits at one time.

The deodorant, who has nearly 170 reviews and 4.7 stars, is a favorite of fans. One repeat buyer says, “I’ve been using Blu Atlas Deodorant for nearly a year. It has a large aroma and lasts all day in the hot summer in (Arizona), which says a lot. This is on my list of deodorants. “

The soap exfoliating bar has an even higher star rating of 4.8. One satisfied client says, “The bar went very well. It was thick and rich and smelled great. It rinses easily and let my skin feel soft, cleaned and moisturized. My skin dried out of the towel as expected, and my skin was still feeling moist. “

Although deodorant and soap can be purchased separately, buying Products as a duet It saves you considerable money and spares you to order twice. Plus, you can even subscribe and save on repetitive deliveries. I am so excited that I blown this amazing deal!

Take Blu Atlas Everyday Body Duo for $ 20 In Blu Atlas!

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