Hallmark came in hot with it list of 2024 movies and kept the hits going all year – many of which still get us talking.
There were international rom-coms like Two spoons from Italy and period pieces such as American in Austin as well as holiday sequels that had us rolling on the ground laughing. We’re watching you Three wise men and a boy.
Hallmark also released epic new spy movies Hallmark Mystery and exclusive programming on his new streaming site, Hallmark+, which draws us in month after month.
Lacey Chabertaka one of queens of christmasstarred in two of our top 20 movies of the year with His and hers — which was her and costar’s 10th project Brennan Elliott — and The Christmas mission.
Chabert exclusively said Us Weekly in August that her “Countdown to Christmas” film was a “grand adventure” that marked her first “treasure hunt” for the network. “Everyone knows I love Christmas, so I was super excited,” she added.
Keep scrolling for our unofficial ranking of the best Hallmark movies of 2024. (and the notable moments that stole our hearts):