A Texas School District Parents sent a letter on Wednesday warning that Borderpatrouille agents can be entry school buses and their children can be detained or deported.
The letter, which was also posted on Facebook but was later removed, warned that American border patrol Agents might board the school buses that are used for out -of -school activities at highway control points and ask to see a proof of legal citizenship.
“We want to bring an important issue with regard to student trips under your attention for extracurricular activities, including sports, band and other co-curriculary events,” Alice Independent School District Superintendent Anysia Trevino in the letter. “We have received information that American border patrol agents can be boarding school buses at highway control points in and out of the valley to ask students about their citizenship status.”

Parents in the Alice Independent School District in Texas were warned in a letter signed that Borderpatrouille agents start pension buses and their children can be detained or deported. (Facebook)
The letter stated the consequences if the student could not produce correct identification or documentation and warned that if a student lies about his immigration status, it could hinder them in the future to get our citizenship.
“We strongly encourage families to be aware of the possible implications of these meetings. If a student is found without the correct documentation, they can be removed, detained and possibly deported under the current immigration policy. A student offers false information about their citizenship, and it is discovered later, this can lead to a permanent bar for future American citizenship. ”
Federal immigration The law currently states that a person lying about an American citizen can be disqualified to receive a green card or American citizenship.

American immigration and customs enforcement agents (ICE) agents, together with other federal law enforcement agencies. (Christopher Dilts/Bloomberg via Getty images)
The superintendent advised that she was looking for ways to add measures to reduce the impact and stated that every parent should reach concerned with concern.
“To ensure that families are fully informed, we discuss our exemptions for student journeys and they can include language advice parents of this possibility,” said the letter.
“Moreover, we consider additional measures, such as having a designated chaperone vehicle travel with school buses. In the event that a student is held, a school manager could stay with the student in the supervisory vehicle while the rest group continues their journey.”
This is not the first school district that tackles the change in immigration policy. West OSO ISD recently sent a letter to his parents who warned them about the policy change and informs them about the procedures for his schools.
“I want to take the time to tackle recent changes in the immigration policy and how they can influence our district. Recently, the Ministry of Interior Security has reversed a policy that arrives previously limited immigration and customs enforcement (ICE) at sensitive locations Such as schools such as schools, hospitals and arguments of worship, “it was.

A letter from parents, signed by the West OSO ISD. (Facebook)
The letter continued to say that they welcome all students, regardless of their citizenship status.
“Woisd does not ask, collects or maintains information about immigration status, because it is not relevant for our mission to serve students. Like any other law enforcement agency, Ice must check in, show identification and present the correct documentation before they are used before being used each Action on our campuses was allowed to carry out an order on one of our schools, we will immediately inform parents, “the letter mentioned.
A statement released In January, a DHS spokesperson clarified that Acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary Benjamine Huffman has issued two guidelines that enable law enforcement to protect Americans.

The letter continued to say that they welcome all students, regardless of their citizenship status. (Istock)
The first of those guidelines approves the Biden Administrations Guidelines for immigration and customs enforcement (ICE) and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Enforcement actions that cross law enforcement in or near so -called “sensitive” areas.
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“This action enables the brave men and women in CBP and Ice to enforce our immigration laws and catch criminals, including murderers and rapists who have come to our country illegally. Criminals will no longer be able to hide in American schools And churches to prevent the Trump government will not bind the hands of our brave law enforcement
This promotion now allows law enforcement To enter schools, medical facilities and worship to arrest immigrants without papers. It also enables ICE agents to operate at events that were previously protected under the policy, including weddings, funerals and public demonstrations.