Tamra Judge reunites with Teddy Melecamp against Rhoc background output uncertainty

Tamra and Teddy Melenkamp are “two TS in a pod” once again!

57 -year -old judge reunited with his long -standing podcast on Wednesday, March 12, and documents the collection through XS

“Back with my Teddy Joe, and suddenly everything makes sense again. ⇒ ”she inscribed a photo of her and Melenkamp, ​​43 years old subjected to surgery for multiple brain tumorsS

The judge alone was in the titles this week after hinting that she gave up The real hosts of Orange County While shooting the New Orleans trip over the weekend.

Judge shared in Instagram history at the end of Sunday, March 9: “It was a long run! When life creates real problems, this reality does not make sense. Peace outside … I’m out. “Later, in response to a comment on Instagram asking if she was leaving the show, judge replied“Yes !!!”

Judge turned to her Rhoc future On Wednesday, March 12, an episode of the two TS in a pod podcast, which included The real hosts of New Jerseys Katania As a guest cohost filling for Mellencemp against the background of her recovery.

“I think I just hit a wall. It happens in my life so much and I just don’t know, “a judge thinks, as she admits that she is going to therapy because she is fighting some” personal things “.

She continued, “I just hit a wall and I feel like I will be in a complete depressed mode.”

Andy Cohen reacted to Tamra Judge at first glance who gives up Rhoc during the photos

Related: Andy Cohen reacted to the Tamara judge at first glance, refusing to Rhoc during the photos

Andy Cohen plays Coy for the future of Tamra Judge for the real hosts of Orange County. “I received the report on what happened last night,” says the 56 -year -old Cohen on Monday, March 10, an episode of Siriusxm radio. “All I will say is that. I can’t comment on what is happening while shooting shows. “(…)

The judge explained that this year she had not started well for her recently, and she could not get out of the funk she was in, even though she was looking for professional help.

“I’m just so angry with myself because I have the feeling that I just can’t get out of funk. Well, I’m usually pretty good (at) just pulling out and I’ve been saying it for a while, “she said. “I just can’t get out of it. I can’t get out of this. And it was only 2025. It was a real door. It was just one thing after another. “

Judge shared that she has entered the photos this season of Rhoc Against the background of her personal struggles. However, everything must be too much for her.

“I went into the season, without knowing, I’m not sure, very alarmed and I just deal with some things through therapy and you know that it really breaks you to your largest point,” she admitted. “I’m like,” should I just leave? Because I just have the feeling that it breaks me. “

A judge added that the problems of Melenkamp’s health also had a big impact on her. However, her podcast was still with her through this rough patch.

“Teddy talks to me and it’s like the first time I laughed for so long. Like, we laughed and she just called to me and said, “Listen to me, I have to be bald and fat right now and to survive it. Return your ass there, ”she recalled. “I just started laughing. So I think I’ll see her today. I think this will draw a little spark back into me. “

Melenkamp Declared in February that she has undergone surgery to remove multiple tumors in her brain. Earlier this month the ex Real hosts of Beverly Hills A member of the cast said that Doctors had found five more tumors “Three in her brain and two in the lungs.

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