Janelle Brown, Cody Brown
TLC/YouTubeJanelle Brown supported sister wife Mary Brown after finding out their common ex-husband, Cody Brownclaims he never listened to them about their passions or dreams of travel.
On the Sunday, December 1 episode of Sister wivesMary, 53, met Cody, 55, and Robin Brown to finally discuss paying off Coyote Pass, their vacant lot in Arizona. But first, she gushed about her recent trip to London.
“I mean, Stonehenge is a place I’ve wanted to go for years,” Mary said, before looking directly at her ex-husband, adding: “You know, I’ve been obsessed for years, so it’s just great to be there. “
Cody got a big smile on his face asking, “Stonehenge? Must there be other places that are cool?’
Mary was visibly upset by Cody’s reaction, rolling her eyes at his remark. “Remember when we were married and how we were interested in each other and how I was obsessed with Stonehenge?” she replied. “Didn’t you know I was obsessed with Stonehenge and how important it was to me?”
Cody didn’t respond verbally. Instead he just sat down at the table and nodded his head. “I mean, I’ve only talked about it and been obsessed with it for 25 years,” Mary later told the British landmark’s cameras.
She then revealed: “It’s interesting, you know, when you realize that something that was so significant that your partner really has no idea and really could care less.”

Janelle Brown, Christine Brown, Cody Brown, Mary Brown and Robin Brown
Gabe Ginsberg/Getty ImagesMary — who confirmed her split from Cody in January 2023 after that more than 30 years of marriage — was not alone in her frustration with the family patriarch. Janelle, 55, told the cameras she had similar experiences with Cody in the years leading up to their December 2022 split.
“Honestly, I’ve found that Cody will forget the things that are important to me that I’ve talked about unless he’s into it,” Janelle claims. “Or he can use it as some kind of leverage to say, ‘You have to do this and we can do that.’ You must do this so we can go to Ireland.
Christine Brown agreed with his two ex-sister wives, claiming, “If you wanted to do things with Cody, you really had to live in his world and do things in his world and what he was interested in.”
She claims that when it comes down to “what you’re into,” Cody will say: “Eh, not so much. I don’t really care.”(Kristin, 52, left Cody in November 2021)
However, Cody blamed her gender for her apparent inability to pay attention to her husbands, both past and present. “Oh my god, I’m a man. There are some things that I’m just going to remember, and there are some things that just won’t matter to me, even if they do matter to you,” he said in a confessional. “Sometimes it’s just selective memory.”
Cody’s attention span — or lack thereof — wasn’t the only thing his ex-wives disagreed with during Sunday’s episode. Janelle and Mary had very different ideas than Cody about what should happen to their Coyote Pass property.
Before yes land payout in Flagstaff, ArizonaCody had divided plots for each family. There were two lots for Cody and Robin, to whom he is still married, one lot for Janelle and Cody, and one lot for Janelle, Mary and Cody. (Cody and Robin’s second plot was originally Christine and Cody’s but she gave it to him when they divorced.)
During the second half of Sunday’s episode, viewers learned that Cody hesitantly changed the plots as they prepared to send the money. Robyn, Janelle, Mary, and Cody would each have their own plot, with Cody and Mary sharing a middle piece of land between their two plots.
“We’re kind of in it right now no man’s landJanelle told the cameras. “Like I have a lawyer. Cody doesn’t really talk to me about what he wants to do. He doesn’t act excited or enthusiastic or even like he wants to go ahead with it. And I wish he would buy me right away, but I just want this to be resolved and sold and split four ways.
Meanwhile, Mary revealed that she wants to get a grade even though Cody doesn’t want one. “I’m not married to Cody anymore. I’m not part of Cody and Robin’s unit. I have to take care of myself,” she said in a confessional. “I talk about it like Cody is in charge of the whole property. This is because he really has a monopoly on it. His name is on every single property.”
She added: “If it gets to the point where I need a lawyer, I would do that. I hope it doesn’t come to that, but I would if I had to.
Janelle noted that she thinks dividing the land will only lead to more problems. “I believe Cody doesn’t want to get graded because he knows he’s making a thug,” she said. “Now he wants us to believe he knows what he’s talking about with property values.”
Robin agreed with the assessment also an idea, but Cody says it’s too much work. “I look outside and in a way it’s a source of pain,” Cody explained. “I don’t want to invest more money. I don’t want to judge. I don’t want to talk to lawyers about it. I don’t know what to do I’m not interested in doing anything.
The group ended up at a standstill, leaving the question of how they would ultimately divide the land — and who would build on it or sell it — open.
Sister wives airs on TLC Sundays at 10pm ET.