Exclusive: Like most leaders in deep blue Washington State double the policy of the sanctuary and refuse to cooperate Federal Immigration AuthoritiesSheriff Bob Songer from Klickitat County promises to support the enforcement of federal immigration in any way and tell Tom Homan “put me on speed -dial”.
In December, Songer published a video via the official Facebook page of the Klickitat County Sheriff’s Office in which he Biden Administration Had “allowed our country to be invaded” and publicly sworn to help ice cream to maintain immigration legislation.
Songer’s posture flies directly into the face of Washington’s face Migrating lawsThis law enforcement forbids federal authorities to enforce immigration laws.
It also sets him at odds with other law enforcement agencies in the state and the Democratic government Bob Ferguson, who has sworn to protect “authority-true Washington families” including the “overwhelming majority of the inhabitants of undocumented” of which he said he “decent, Hard is “working, authoritative residents. ”
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Sheriff Bob Songer, Right, from Klickitat County in Washington, promises to support the enforcement of federal immigration in every way he can tell, told that Tom Homan, “put me on speed dial”. (Fox News Digital)
As a result, Songer – who, after serving in the police for 56 years, is currently his third term as sheriff – said: “I will work 100 percent with ICE because they do the right one.”
In an interview with Fox News Digital, he explained that, even though it was a small national district in Washington, illegal immigrants regularly pass through the province and often receive government benefits paid by the taxpayers.
“When people have invaded our country across the southern border and even the northern border, Canada, our government, it is their job to protect our American citizens by preventing that invasion, “he said.” Why would every mayor, every mayor, every provincial commissioner, or a sheriff or police chief, consciously allow criminals, serious criminals for murder, rape, whatever, protects them against immigration, protects them against ice? ”
“So why am I against that? “He went on.” I bet I say that Tom HomanIf you want to contact me, I will give you my telephone number, he can have me on speed -dial.”
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US Immigration and Customs Enforcement carried out an enforcement operation on January 28 at Complete Autowash in Philadelphia on the basis of accusations that employees were subjected to labor exploitation. (American immigration and customs enforcement)
Songer said there are two important reasons for his daring attitude. First, he believes that Washington’s law is unconstitutional, and secondly, he thinks the American citizens of Klickitat County demand it.
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“I really believe that this is best for our citizens, “he explained and added:” You know what is neat about a chosen sheriff versus police chief … A chosen sheriff is chosen by the people. His or her only boss is the people, not the governor, not the district commissioners, not no one but the people themselves. That is the boss of the sheriff.”
Responding to criticism from Democrats and the media that not all illegal immigrants must be arrested and deported by ICE, Songer said: “They will try to tell you:” Well, those who just about the Rio Grande are robes, that’s a civil violation , “That is bull, it’s a crime under federal law.”
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Ice officers perform an enforcement operation in the American interior on 2 June 2022. (Immigration and customs enforcement)
“They come to this country across the border without legal representation. In other words, they know they are breaking the law. Why not? They get free telephones, free medical, free registration, it’s Christmas for them, “he said.” And at the same time our government, DemocraticThey did not give D — about veterans or homeless people who are American citizens. “
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“I know that the state of Washington is a blue, blue sanctuary. It is scary to live in this kind of atmosphere, “he concluded.” But I wanted to make it clear and make it known to Tom Homan and President Trump and Vance, the Vice President, that as long as I am in office … I will work with it completely and I want them to know that they just have to reach and ask for help in Klickitat County, and I will be there, be in the attention and be willing to perform the tasks. “