Beware the Story, Embrace the Science

Have you heard of “Blue Zones”? These pockets of the world are known for having citizens who live long, healthy lives. Some of these locations may look familiar: Okinawa, Japan (home of Mr. Miyagi from Karate Kid!). Sardinia, Italy. Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica. Icaria, Greece. These locations have a higher percentage of people living longer…

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Wasted Effort | Nerd Fitness

I remember racing down the escalator at Macy’s in the Cape Cod Mall. My mom, calmly riding the Up escalator like a regular person, would say I’m going to hurt myself (possible) or I’m making a scene (correct) or disturbing people trying to get off the escalator (also correct). Sometimes I get to the top,…

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Banks don’t want to inspect your home office, so they make hundreds of employees come in five days a week

Work-from-home regulations for banks are changing, and some of the biggest players in the industry would prefer to hire employees five days a week but to make an effort to comply—including regular inspections of workers’ homes. During the pandemic, brokerage industry watchdog the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) suspended workplace inspection rules to make it…

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