94 Years of Wisdom | Nerd Fitness

Last week, I flew to Massachusetts to visit my 94-year-old grandmother in the hospital. Let me tell you about this amazing woman. Barbara, Auntie B, or Gramma to our grandchildren, was born in 1930 to first generation Newfoundlanders. (No wonder I like the music of TheAlan DoyleThe (and TheBig SeaThe), it’s in my DNA!) Gramma…

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The ONE thing that finally worked…

I stumbled Thea reddit threadThe that really caught my attention. Someone asked “What was the ‘one thing’ that finally got the weight off for you?” And this question has 5,400 responses (and counting). Some of the answers had to do with changes in the environment or changes in how they prepared their food: “Pouring snacks…

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How long does it take to get fit again?

There are many reasons why you can get “out of shape”. From injuries to weakening of motivationit’s natural for your fitness to ebb and flow. The good news is that whether you’ve always been an athlete or have never been able to stick to an exercise routine, there are some proven methods to help you…

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