Kevin Major Howardmost famous for his role as a raftherman in Full metal jackethas died. He was 69.
Howard died in Las Vegas on Friday, February 14th. His death was confirmed to Tmz from his family on Saturday, February 15th. According to the exit, Howard was hospitalized with a respiratory disease for several weeks before his death.
The actor was born on January 27, 1956 in Montreal, Quebec. Included his additional movie loans Influenza with Clint Eastwood and Death Wishing II with Charles BronsonS
But it was JetThe 1987 Military Saga, which will become the biggest and most influential role of Major. In an interview since 2007 with Monsters and criticsHe explained that the role was giving him an idea of ​​what it was to fight in war.

“Although I was not at war, I have a much more clear understanding of patriotism and pride and courage needed to serve your country,” Howard told The Outlet at the time. “Many of the Marines I have met have seen a ‘full metal jacket’ and I believe that although I have never been at war, my work on this movie continues to serve as a bridge that allows them to face face to face With the personal victims they made. It also allows me to stay in silence and testify to my own personal respect for their fallen comrades. “
Cinematographic classics are based on the 1979 novel. Short-ties and stars Matthew Modine, R. Lee Emery, Adam Baldwin, Dorian Harewood and Arlis HowardS The film and the book center around a group of Marines graduated from a shoe camp in South Carolina before being located in Vietnam.
Howard participated as a soldier called “Raftherman” because of his role as a platoon photographer. The actor also said Monsters and critics How he assembled the character together.
“Through conversations with Matthew Modin, I realized that Stanley had chosen his cast of casting,” Howard explained. “He knew how he felt that he wanted his characters to update themselves, and I believe that I recognized Stanley’s need for why I was chosen to play Rafterman. In my world, I seem to be naturally fitting into normal. Raftherman had this quality that was constantly being inspected as the new man. “
“He was something like the strange man who always tried to prove himself,” he continued. “It also looked in my nature. Always wanting to be part of the crowd, but he just never fit. Raftherman always looked determined. Raftherman has always wanted to be recognized, so I chose to stick close to my home, depicting these aspects of Raftherman. “
Howard has survived his wife Tiffany, step -daughter Kaila, sister Kim and his brother Kelsey.