Melora Hardin There are only kind memories of your time on Prairie Setting works with the series director Michael LandonS
“Michael Landon made everyone feel safe,” said 57 -year -old Hardin, Hardin said Fox News Digital In an interview published on Saturday, March 15, adding that she had worked “long ago” in show business before being aired in Prairie.
“He trusted us, and we trusted him,” she told Landon’s relationship with other “overwhelming” children. “He was protected by us. And I think it was one of the most important lessons I learned early (in Hollywood) – surround yourself with people who make you feel safe. “
Alum’s office listened to the series when he was only 9 years old, and returned when he was 13 years old to portray Hero named Belinda, classmate Matthew LabyorteauxAlbert Ingles’s character. According to Hardin Landon, who directed the series and also starred as Patriarch Charles “PA” Ingles, was “so warm” and “works great with the children”. (Landon, who died in 1991, also executive produced the series and wrote several episodes.)
“I have always said that acting and making movies and television are one of the biggest team sports around. And I believe Michael Landon was my first example of this, “Hardin continued. “I learned from him immediately. And I just felt amazing to be around people who made you feel safe to be a fool in front of, to fail. As a performer, especially this young, he felt good not to feel constantly trusted or challenged. “

She added: “It’s about working with great collaborators and not tolerating Aphoni. He didn’t have any APPs on the set. And I think that’s super important. If you feel safe, then you can do a great job. “She explained,” He really knew how to make us feel comfortable. He would allow us to do our own thing. He was not a director. He was very joyful. “
Hardin said at the exit that so far in her career, she had already “worked with people who were not as nice” as Landon, noting, “many times I would make a movie or something and I would be the only one (child) in the room. I would be the only one in the classroom with the teacher. “
But while working on Little House on the Prairie, Hardin said that children’s actors “had a school on the set and it was just so fun to have other children at school with you working with you.”
She added: “It was such a joy to have other children when you have to class with them and then work with them. It was joyful. We would also play games. It was a really fun way to be a child, to be a child actor. This was certainly an accent. “
The original little house in the Prairie TV series based on Laura Ingles Wilder– The books of the books of the same name are held from 1974 to 1984. A series also participates Melissa Gilbert, Karen Graspet and Melissa Sue Anderson Like the rest of the Pioneer Ingalls family.
“He had a long -standing relationship with his crew and surrounded the people he really trusted,” Hardin said. “So it was trouble -free. He was just joyful. I never felt he was stressed. He may have been (he worked behind the scenes), but I never felt him as a child. He just looked great … Everyone seemed to smile in my world as a small child. “