Some medicines can have the unintended benefit of reducing the risk of dementia.
According to a recent study by the universities of Cambridge and Exeter, where researchers evaluated Existing medicines To see if they could do double service as dementia treatments.
The team rated data from 14 earlier studies, including more than 130 million patients and a million dementia cases, according to a press release.
They determined that different classes of medicines on prescription dementia influence.
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The findings were published in Alzheimer and Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions.

Researchers have established that various classes of prescription drugs were found to influence the risk of dementia. (Istock)
“We urgently need new treatments to delay the progress of dementia, if not to prevent this” edition.
“If we can find drugs that already have a permit for other disorders, we can get them in trials And – crucial – she may make a lot of available, much faster than we could do for a whole new medicine. “
Medicines that reduce and increase the risk
Antibiotics, antiviral agents, anticoagulants (blood thinners) and anticonvulsiva (drugs used to prevent or treat attacks) were all linked to a reduced risk of dementia.
Four vaccines – For hepatitis A, typhus, hepatitis A and typhus were combined and diphtheria – also associated with a reduced risk.

“If we can find drugs that already have a permit for other disorders, we can get them in tests and we can – crucial – possibly make them much, much faster for patients than we could do for a completely new medicine.” (Istock)
“This finding supports the hypothesis that common dementies can be activated by viral or bacterial infectionsAnd supports recent interest in vaccines, such as the BCG vaccine for tuberculosis, and reduced risk of dementia, “the researchers wrote in the release.
Anti -inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen, were also found to reduce the risk of dementia.
“Inflammation is increasingly seen as an important contribution to a wide range of diseases, and its role in dementia is supported by the fact that some genes that increase the risk of dementia are part of inflammatory routes,” the release explained.
Two drugs of two Alzheimer’s help patients to live independently at home for longer periods
Some medicines were associated with an increased risk of dementia, including antipsychotic drugs.
There was “contradictory evidence” for other classes of medicines, including those indicated for blood pressure, depression and diabetes.

“Although dementia is a cure and available medicines, my experience emphasizes the value of personalized care,” a doctor (not shown) told Fox News Digital. (Istock)
Two medicines have currently been approved Alzheimer’s treatment i.
Both are monoclonal antibodies that are administered via IV infusions. They work by reducing amyloid plaques in the brain, but they are only effective for people with Alzheimer’s at an early stage and, according to experts, have the potential for a number of serious side effects.
“You should never change your medicine without first discussing it with your doctor.”
Dr. Chris Vercammen, an internal medical doctor certified by the Council at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), was not involved in the study, but shared his response to the findings.
“This assessment identifies classes of medicines that have an association with an increased risk of dementia,” Vercammen, which specializes in Geriatrics and palliative careFox News Digital told.
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“Systematic assessments offer the benefit of collecting data about multiple studies, which can give a better understanding of the current state of knowledge about a subject.”
The study had some limitations, the researchers acknowledged, because of differences in how each individual study was conducted and how the data was collected.

One doctor said that the findings are “plausible” and emphasize the importance of extensive medication assessments for older adults who run the risk of dementia. (Istock)
Vercammen agreed that these types of reviews are limited by the overall quality of the Available studies.
“Moreover, in contrast to meta-analyzes, they do not offer a summary effect size for each medicine, making it difficult to discuss risks precisely.”
Despite the limitations, Vercammen said that the findings are “plausible” and emphasize the importance of extensive medication assessments for older adults who run the risk of dementia.
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Lourida emphasized that all medicines have benefits and risks.
“You should never change your medicine without first discussing it With your doctorAnd you have to speak with them if you are worried. “

Personalized care includes “Tackling the practical needs of the person who lives with dementia and their carers – the ‘second patients’ – who offer essential daily support.” (Istock)
Vercammen agrees that patients consider new medicines or treatments to consult their doctors.
“Although dementia has a remedy and available medicines for challenges, my experience emphasizes the value of Personalized care“He told Fox News Digital.
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“This includes tackling the practical needs of the person who lives with dementia and their carers – the ‘second patients’ – who offer essential daily support. This is the essence of continuous, compassionate care in the absence of a remedy.”