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Democrats are confronted with the worst reviews in decades in my polls and others, fall to as low as 29% prefer the CNN survey, a decrease of 62% in 2008. The reasons are pretty clear – after the 2024 elections, voters re -evaluated the task of president Joe Biden Did and started scratching their heads about the actions and positions of Democrats in the congress. Unless there is a large reset, I expect that they will have an unexpected wipeout in next year’s interim elections.
In the late 90s, Democrats stood for a balanced budget, extensive health care benefits, tough immigration policy and smaller government. Bill Clinton stated: “The age of the big government is over.” He was wrong boy.
Step by step, Democrats drove off this policy that produced nearly 75% approval classifications for Clinton. Tax and expenses came back in the Obama -years While the tax rates went up and Obamacare started and he decided to go left in the last two years of his presidency.
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The basis for dei was laid with the attacks on the police and called other institutions as racist. Climate change went to the top of the agenda when pipelines were closed and regulations were granted to delay energy producers and the idea shot root that climate change, not ISIS, was the largest “existential” threat we were confronted with.
The rise of the Black Lives Matter movement and the election of Donald Trump Democrats pushed to the left over cultural and economic issues, because the main goal was to determine Trump’s resistance and everything he stood for. The point was to tear it all down and prevent him from moving from the Obama policy.
This culminated in the surprising nomination of Joe Biden, even after losing Iowa and New Hampshire. He made a big bargain with the left so that he could start the elections with a united Democratic party. After his election, he seemed almost every position he ever took in his more than 50 years as a moderate senator.
Biden not only stopped the construction of the Trump limit, but also opened the border, flooding the country with millions of new migrants. He supported the censorship of online speech and helped the Covid Coverup of the origin of the virus.
He ordered Dei to be part of every aspect of the government; Dressed with the trans -gender movement. He balloon the shortage with enormous pandemic expenditures ever after the crisis had expired and the inflation reduction law was an account for climate change of several dollars.
He went from the author of the Crime Act to the signer from thousands of grace to criminals.
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As President, Biden named the left -wing judges and brought left -oriented appointments to the agencies.
About foreign policy, He supported Ukraine But stopped them. And the president supported Israel but suggested them and withdrew more and more from full support to try to please the left that anti-Israel has become.
By the time he left Oval officeleft, and a series of extreme policy, had the Democratic From a party in the working class and middle class to a coalition of elites and black voters. Those who earn more than $ 100,000 a year and are supported by the university voters Vice -President Kamala Harris In 2024, as well as 86% of black voters. But those who earn between $ 30,000 and $ 100,000 a year now voted for Trump. And Spanish voters took a big step in 2024, with about 20 points to the Republican column, while they continue to grow as an even larger share of the electorate than black voters. Their democratic margin has shrunk from 23 points to 4 points.
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Now after the 2024 elections, voters have in fact looked back and the assessments of Joe Biden and those of the Democratic Party have fallen while seeing a weak leader leading his administration and stimulating mass expenses that resulted in it that resulted in it in it crush inflation And massive deficits, deliberately left the border open that could have been easily closed and took the country in unknown cultural directions.
The result is a democratic party in ruins that have to wait for the next Bill Clinton To go along and reset it and bring it back to his common sense, roots from the middle class. Otherwise, the new Republican Party is positioned to deepen its support for these expired democratic voters.