Katie Furston It was initially distrustful when he found out that She had breast cancerS
“I had a small lump in my chest around 10’oclock (SIC) place,” wrote the 34 -year -old rodon through her Instagram stories on Saturday, February 15th. “I found myself. I thought maybe this was my period (or), maybe it’s muscle soreness from work. But in the end, this lump has never gone. “
According to Furston, she was once removed a “benign cyst” from her same breast, which felt similar.
“(I) I thought it might be again. I went to the dock, thinking it would be nothing, “she recalls. “I was wrong.”
The former bachelor also noted that her lump is “painful”.
“(This) probably led to more doubt and delay in conducting it, as most (websites) will say,” Most breast cancers do not hurt, “she explained. “I thought it was PMS or it works. … My first lump (benign cyst) felt like peas or marble (s) solid, unnatural, but it didn’t cause me discomfort. The second felt bigger. The pain initially came and left, but maybe after 3-4 months of it did not disappear or improve, I was nervous and saw my doctor. “
When Ruston visited her local doctor, she underwent an ultrasound of the breast and her “first mammography”.

“Then I had to take a few biopsies and send a test to confirm,” she added.
Stated tests The presence of cancerAlthough no additional specifics have been confirmed yet.
“Waiting to find out what stage,” Ruston added in a separate update to Instagram history. “Getting another biopsy of my lymph node, which will tell me more. I once did a 23andme (DNA test) and I was informed that I did not have the Brca gene. I will soon do updated tests to find out for sure. My family doesn’t have Breast cancer historyS “
Thurston announced her diagnosis a few hours earlier through Instagram, noting that her health battle affected how she and the fiancée had Jeff Arcus Celebrates Valentine’s Day this year. (Rodon is engaged of a comedian from the end of 2024)
“I used my morning to come up with Insurance for New York and laws for existing conditions,” Sturston said, noting that he was still planning to move from California to New York with Arkuri. “I planned meetings for another biopsy, fertility, mental health, surgery, and a meeting with my team to discuss the overall treatment plan that will include chemo.”
In addition to chemotherapy, rodon also plans to undergo a mastectomy.
“I’m not sure yet in the order,” she explained. “My fertility will be influenced from chemo. I have a meeting with my fertility doctor to keep my eggs (first). “