Jason’s candid quotes of Jason Kels Kylie’s wife for being a NFL husband

Jason Kelsis a wife, Kylie Kelsis his – and Philadelphia Eagles‘ – cheerleader # 1.

“I am like Eagles fan to the degree For example, if Jason had ever walked and played for another team, I would wear a “kels”, I wouldn’t wear things to another team, “Kylie scored in Jason Kels A documentary that premiered Prime Video in September 2023, “Like, I thought about it several times when I just couldn’t do it. It sounds awful. “

Kylie, who married the 2018 football center, recalled the year when Jason’s brother, Travis Kelsit was In the playoffs But the Eagles were not. “We went for a playoff game in Kansas City and I was like,” Should I (I wear his T -shirt)? “She said. “As a traum, he knows that as, I always want Travis to be successful (s) obviously, I always want Jason to be successful. But like, I’m I will not be here making the superiors. “

While Kylie – who shares Daughters Wyaat, Eliot and Bennett With Jason – bleeding eagles green through and through, she has never been in love The stereotypical lifestyle Being a football husband.

Continue to read about Kylie’s most revealed quotes to marry a professional football player:

Not knowing it’s a football star

Kylie and Jason He met through the dating app Tinderwhere he did not mention his athletic career at all.

All that Kylie Kels said about it,
With the kind assistance of Kylie Kels/Instagram

“I learned years later that he considers part of his profile,” she said during his episode of September 2023.“New heights” podcast. “It was cut to fit Tinder, so the only thing you see was his face, so you can’t see the lower third, the Ticksha … (or) the emblem of the eagles of his shirt!”

Kylie also noted that Jason’s biography was not referring to his career, recalling: “His profile at the time was, something about the effect of” I want to have deep meaningful conversations and to talk about marriage and with children “, jokes on him. Who got the last laugh? “

All that Kylie Kels said about it,
With the kind assistance of Kylie Kels/Instagram

Determination of stereotypes

After Kylie and Jason began to meet-after an unsuccessful first date where too drunk Jason fell asleep in 45 minutes and needed a teammate Beau Allen To carry it at home – she was hesitant to reveal that they were an official subject.

“It took me some time. Like, I didn’t tell anyone I met, “Kylie said in Prime Video’s documentary. “The last thing I wanted to be like,” I think a football player. Now, when we are together while we have, it’s fun that there has been hesitation at all, just knowing him as he is. “

She continued: “Our dynamics did it, so it wasn’t that I was in connection with a professional athlete, I was very in relationships with Jason, whose profession was football.”

Not for this luxury life

“I think there is a population of women who are married, dating, engaged to people playing in NFL or other professional sports that really, for example, are glad to indulge in the fine things in life and this is not necessarily How am I raised or what I like, “she told Today In October 2023, during a joint interview with Jason. “So I think it remains authentic for that (it is important).”

Life with Jason during the football season

During his debut expression of “new heights”, Travis took care to ask Kylie what was it was Residing with a “Neandertal” Jason and his busy schedule.

“When he was discussing retirement over the past year, I told him,” Depending on what you decide to do then, playing for another year, I would at least understand your schedule, “Kylie replied to my brother in law. “At that moment we have been together for many years and we found out what works for us. … I will see it quite a large amount. “

She continued: “He understood what was working for him. He is a distance of Tuesday. Depending on how he feels during the season, he may appear for treatment in the morning and Friday is a rather short day, but he will stay and get a hairstyle … and then he will do a massage so that he is home more – Late afternoon, which day. After 13 years he has developed Kinks, we are here when he goes home. We’ll see it when we see it, I guess. “

All that Kylie Kels said about it,
With the kind assistance of Kylie Kels/Instagram

Bleeding eagles green

“I feel like this is Philadelphia’s true way When I look at broadcastsI am like, “Can you stop focusing on the other team?” Kels Dock as he watched the opening season of the team on television. “We can’t have a game in which we just like f – king cruise? We can’t only travel one day? “

Tickets for Super Bowl

Later Kels Documentary, Jason and Kylie dealt with their budget for Tickets for Super Bowl LVIIWhere the eagles will play to the superiors.

“Well, I do the maximum amount of tickets you can buy because this is the amount we relying about?” Asked Kylie Jason in Doc. “That’s why I don’t go to my phone calculator: $ 50,000. We pay almost $ 4,000 for AF – King Kid, which will not sit (still) on the spot to watch her father play in a game; These are bananas. “

After Jason asked Eliot if she even wanted to go to the game, their second daughter He shook his head before adding, “My baby (doll) wants to go to the Super Bowl.”

All that Kylie Kels said about it,
With the kind assistance of Kylie Kels/Instagram

Jason’s potential swan song

“I always tell people no matter What happens to footballHow he ends, I would like to retire when he will still be able to go down to the floor and play comfortably with our children, “she said in KelsWho chronicle Jason, who fights the decision to hang his clapping.


“I just keep catching him in empty glances. Even when he is here, he is checked. No matter what his decision (in retirement), we will guide it, “Kylie noted in the dock. “But when you have two young children and a newbornAnd passing through the postpartum (s) all those layers of life. I am here here, like: “You have your own – T. I hold on to these things … And you understand this:” And I think this is appropriately explains football and how it affects your family. “

Telling no reality TV

All that Kylie Kels has said that he was NFL's husband since he married Jason Kels 286
With the kind assistance of Kylie Kels/Instagram

While Kylie and Jason have millions of fans who follow them on social media and through their respective podcasts, the idea of ​​registering for reality show does not intrigue at least one family member.

“We’re not so interesting,” Kylie said during February 2025 of The poddue “call her father”S “I tell people all the time, do you catch me on a casual Tuesday? We will be in the kitchen coloring. I will call you for snacks and filling bottles of water. Someone will yell from above: “I finished getting up,” I’m like “okay.” This is what you get. “

Kylie also admitted that there was a big misconception about how interesting her family is – from her point of view, they have no “business” to be part of reality TV.

“I think people do not realize, like what we said earlier, you meet people in the eyes of the public and you are just like” Oh, they are human, “she added.

Family’s first impressions

Kylie admitted that her “protected” father, Ed McDevitHe had many thoughts about his daughter, who met Jason in the early stages of their relationship.

“My father was terrible,” Kylie admitted during ‘Call Daddy’ PodcastS “My father was not happy. He was actually very alarmed. He was like, “Don’t ruin that. It doesn’t ruin that. “

After meeting for the first time during a family dinner, Kylie’s father hit him with the NFL star and ultimately approved their relationship.

“My father is very warm and blurred. He won’t stop talking if you pay him, “she explained. “He talks to him and then he was like,” He’s really nothing like me, I would think he would be a professional athlete. ” He just came in, sat down, my aunt feeds him with shrimp and burgers. “