‘Important Opportunities’: Candidates from DNC chairman reveal how they will return after the disastrous results of 2024

Almost three months after the major setbacks of Democrats up and down in the mood in the 2024 Elections, The party gathered on Saturday to choose new leadership.

It is the Democratic National Committee (DNC) First formal step to try to get out of the political wilderness and return to the upcoming elections after President Donald Trump had recaptured the White House and republicans turned the senate, kept their fragile majority in the house and made a big win with working class, minority and younger voters.

And without a clear leader in the party, the following DNC chairman becomes the actual face of Democrats from coast to coast and will make major decisions about messages, strategy, infrastructure and where millions of political contributions are issued.

“It is an important opportunity for us not only to reorient the party and what we present to voters, but also an opportunity for us to see how we rule ourselves internally,” said Ray Buckley, chairman of the New Hampshire Democratic Party , to Fox News.

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DNC candidates

The eight candidates who compete for the chairman of the Democratic National Committee are in front of a forum that was repeatedly interrupted by protesters at Georgetown University in Washington, DC, January 30, 2025. (Fox News/Paul Steinhauser)

Buckley, a former Vice chairman of DNC, said that he “is very enthusiastic about the potential of great reform within the party.” And he emphasized that he hoped for “considerably more support for the state parties. That will be a crucial step in the direction of our return to majority status.”

Eight candidates compete to succeed DNC chairman Jaime Harrison, He decided to look for a second consecutive four -year term that the National Party Committee ruled.

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The following chairman, as well as vice chairs and other officers, will be elected by the approximately 450 DNC -entitled members who have been collected for the party’s winter meeting, held this year in National Harbor just outside Washington, DC

Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor party chairman Ken Martin, a DNC-Vice chairman who led the chairman of the Association of State Democratic Party, is considered the leader for the chairman on his way to Saturday’s election, with Wisconsin- Chairman Ben Wikler close behind.

Martin and Wikler

Minnesota Democratic Party chairman Ken Martin (left) and Wisconsin chairman Ben Wikler (right), two leading contenders in the Democratic National Committee Chair Race, during the DNC Executive Committee on December 12, 2024, in Washington, DC (Fox News/Paul Steinhauser)

Martin recently told Fox News Digital that if he became chairman, the first thing he would do is “pick out a plan to win. And we have to start writing that plan, ensuring that we look under the hood. We have the contracts at the party?

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In a digital interview with FOX News, Wikler emphasized that the party should show voters “that we are fighting for them against those who would try to target the economy for those at the top and to deliver that message in places where people are watching it Much in politics.

Wikler, who pointed to the success of Democrats in his home, a crucial battlefield, added: “That means communicating in clear language in a way that people show them. And with our actions that show that we are for them Fighting to reduce costs and to ensure that working people have a fair shot in this country “

Also considered competitive, Martin O’Malley, the former Governor of Maryland and 2016 Democratic Presidential Candidate of 2016 who served as Commissioner of the Social Security Administration last year.

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O’Malley told Fox News Digital that he is running for DNC chairman “because I love my country, and the only way we are going to save the Republic is if the Democratic Party reaches itself as quickly as possible.”

He pointed to his earlier power steering of the Democratic Governors Association, he noted: “I am the only candidate who is actually chairman of a National Committee – the Democratic Governors – and I am the only candidate who is actually run for the office and chosen in Ambt, City of Council, Governor and we have to recruit people everywhere to bring our party back.

One of the longer candidates for chairman’s late access Faiz Shakir, who led the 2020 Democratic Presidential campaign of progressive champion Senator Bernie Sanders from Vermont, and Marianne Williamson, who ran in vain for the democratic presidential nominations of 2020 and 2024.

“This party will not get up unless there is a deeper honesty,” Williamson told reporters on Thursday after the Final Chair Election Forum, focusing on the establishment of the Democrats.

The debate during the three-month DNC campaign sprint focused primarily on the logistics of modern political campaigns, such as media strategy and messages, fundraising and grassroots and efforts for the release. Based on those nut and bolts, the candidates usually agree that changes are needed to recover blue voters who now support Republicans.

But the last forum included a heavy focus on systemic racism and diversity, equity and inclusion (dei) programs, issues that seemed to be harming Democrats in the polls in November.

A demonstrator is removed by the security after Heckling during a Democratic National Committee Chairman Election debate at Georgetown University in Washington, DC, January 30, 2025

A demonstrator is removed by the security after Heckling during a Democratic National Committee Chairman Election debate at Georgetown University in Washington, DC, January 30, 2025 (Fox News/Paul Steinhauser)

And the forum, moderated and worn live on MSNBC and held at Georgetown University in Washington, DC, in the beginning to be transferred in chaos when a wave of left-wing protesters repeatedly interrupted the Primetime event, who are concerned about concern about climate change and influence From billionaire the elections of America before they were violently removed by security.

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The chairman’s elections come as a new national poll that causes more problems for the Democrats.

Only 31% of the respondents in one Quinnipiac University Survey Led in the past week had a favorable opinion about the Democratic Party, where 57% saw the party in an unfavorable light.

“This is the highest percentage of voters with an unfavorable opinion about the Democratic party since the poll of Quinnipiac University began to ask this question,” noted the release of the survey.

In the meantime, 43% of the respondents had a favorable picture of the Gop, with 45% an unfavorable opinion, which was the highest favorable opinion for the Republican Party ever in Quinnipiac Polling.