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Without fear of cancellation or professional retaliation, and in the aftermath of the left attempts to be ashamed of masculinity, it is time to have a national conversation about what it means to be a man.
In our recent collective recognition of biological reality and general return to common sense, we agree that men should not win the Women of the year prize, enter women’s facilities, Play women’s sportsOr place in the beauty competitions of women. And if someone has ever had doubts, men cannot menstruate or get pregnant. What men cannot and should not do is abundantly clear, what raises the question, what should they do? This is what I tell my three sons:
1. Do the right one
In May 2024 we looked at the media coverage while young men of Pi Kappa Phi protected the American flag at the University of North Carolina In Chapel Hill when Lunatics tried to profanse it. During those moments I explained to my sons that they were real men who protected the flag and represented the principles that fought their father, uncle, grandfather and great -grandfathers to maintain. Male men do the right, including making sacrifices for their country, even if this is not popular and potentially dangerous.
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For CovidI didn’t talk about politics for my sons, but I took them to the polling station to show them that voting is an important social responsibility. Left -wing policy measures such as school closures, mask mandates, pronouns and confusing lessons about racial hierarchies brought politically directly to the children of our nation at their schools.
2. Be a team player and understand leadership
Male men are willing to go against the grain to stand in their principles and to lead, not necessarily by spending orders from the front, but also in supporting ways that bring out the best in others around them.
Boys are confronted with adversity and get several options for their beliefs long before they become men. It is never too early to practice doing the right thing.
Family is the ultimate team and fathers have a critically important leading role. Television characters, such as Al Bundy, Homer SimpsonAnd Phil Dunphy, who depict fathers as stupid, immoral and/or worthless, have a reduced role of men in the family for too long. Sport teams offer educational moments about leadership that boys can wear in paternity.
3. Know how to take a blow
For example, sports teams teach guys how to take a blow, both literally and metaphorically. While observing my father and husband, two male men that I admire deeply, I noticed that being a man means that he has to deal with physical pain. When my sons are tackled on the football field Or hacked with a lacrosse stick, they learn that it is aware of the pain that better results yields.

When my sons are tackled on the football field or hacked with a Lacrosse stick, they learn that cleaning up the pain produces better results. (Grant Halverson/NCAA photos via Getty images)
I also tell my sons that when they take a metaphorical punch, which often happens in sport with devastating losses or poor performance in games, it is important to learn from it and then continue. My husband, who has coached many of their teams, often says, “What does the best athlete have? A short memory.”
4. Earn money
Men must be the best providers they can be possible. When my former colleague’s wife expected them first childHe asked a senior officer during a lunch meeting if he had advice for a young father. The man simply responded: “Earn money.” I thought that was hilarious until I had children myself, at what point I realized that he was pretty serious and my colleague had given excellent fundamental advice.
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With this in mind, I tell my sons: “You can be something you want to be, any form of engineer or trader You choose it. “I am kidding. A little. Their future university training or training comes with the expectation that it will generate skills and knowledge that will enable them to make money and be successful providers for their families.

Family is the ultimate team and fathers have a critically important leading role. (Istock)
5. Skinness Toon
Last but not least, follow the golden rule. Masculinity is about showing courtesy, not by placing a lame “friendly” sign in the garden, but really. In daily habits or disputes, one rarely or never regrets the High Road. Being chivalrous by holding open doors, offering a jacket to a date, being respectful and enabling women to first walk a restaurant or out of a lift, are important aspects of masculinity that are greatly appreciated.
Unlike the underlying message from the “Barbie” film, there is an essential role for male men in our society. Podcasters, such as Joe Rogan, understand the need for conversations about masculinity and the important role that men play in the family and in the nation, which is probably why they are so popular and why my sons like to listen to their content.

Podcasters, such as Joe Rogan, understand the need for conversations about masculinity and the important role that men play in the family and in the nation. (Spotify/Joe Rogan experience)
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In addition to all the issues that I discuss with my sons about what a man entails, there is little or something that is as valuable as the example that their father gives them. When I was pregnant with my first son, I was planning to return to work as a political analyst and speechwriter when he was three months old. While he kept him in my arms a few hours after his born, the plans changed. I quickly informed my husband that he had to find a way to earn more money for my Lost salarySo I could stay at home with our children. Despite his initial shock on my mother’s epiphanies, he did exactly that.
At that moment it became crystal clear for me that being a real man means partial insight and doing what your family needs. In their father my sons see a man who always puts his family in first place.