GREG GUTFELD: Liberal media and comedians told the biggest lie in the history of presidential politics

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Watch out Tricky Dick. There’s a new worst president in town. According to a new Gallup poll Biden is the lowest rated of any president in the last 65 years except Nixon. But to be fair to Nixon, compared to Biden’s scandals, Watergate looks like a broken taillight. Now to rate Biden as the worst since Nixon is to say he’s the worst ever because pollsters only ask about presidents people have lived under since Kennedy. Unless you are a historian, you are only able to judge presidents by memory. In fact, Biden himself doesn’t even remember his own presidency. So the worst since Nixon is really the worst ever.


And remember: the public hates Biden, even though most of the press has been covering up his dementia for the entire term. And sure, they panicked and piled on him after that deadly debate. But they can’t let us forget how many times they lied for him. They still do it even when he does things like this.

“It’s amazing what’s happening… With just one piece of good news. My son was here and his wife. They got a report yesterday that their house has probably burned to the ground. Today it looks like it’s still standing They’re not sure. But the good news is I am a great-grandfather from today.”

Good for reading the room, you numb corpse. Sorry your city is on fire, but I brought cigars. Anyone have a contest? I’m going to be a great-grandfather. What a clown. I guess we can be thankful he didn’t ask Jimmy Carter to stand up during the eulogy.

So where was the media before all this, when it was clear that Biden was 25th Amendment material? Let’s turn to Iraqi war veteran and Purple Heart recipient Brian Williams, who said nothing and yet urged people not to say anything.

On the media coverage of Joe, he told The Washington Post, “It’s actually insulting… A gross disservice to those watching and listening, because it doesn’t match what they just saw or heard for themselves.” Funny how it sounds like he’s talking about every broadcast he did for NBC Nightly News. “It was crushing to see so many working journalists struggling to find the words to accurately describe a visibly struggling and weakened president, seemingly unable to complete a sentence or thought in his disastrous final debate.” That was the problem? Couldn’t find the right words? Well, here are a few that come to mind. What about decrepit, insane, confused, stupid and bats – not crazy?


But I don’t think Brian needs a war zone anymore to pretend to be brave. He once bragged that his helicopter had been shot down in war-torn Iraq, which was the biggest lie since Hillary claimed she was shot at by snipers in Bosnia. It turns out the Red Cross was shooting donuts at her from a T-shirt cannon. She caught them with her mouth. It was great. And Brian could have said something at any point in the last four years. Why didn’t he? It’s the same reason everyone else didn’t say anything. They all knew that Biden’s brain was made of rancid applesauce, but they also knew that if they spoke up, their peers wouldn’t like them. The truth came faster than me and Larry Kudlow at a drive-in movie… They told the biggest lie in the history of presidential politics. Joe Biden is fit to serve. Yes, to serve something? Rooting for his imaginary bunny? But they repeated these lies because they were all cowards. And Hollywood was no better. Comedians suffered from the same weakness, claiming they were pressured to stay in line. Here it is Jim Gaffigan he admitted that people told him not to criticize Joe or Harris.

“What I found interesting about this election is, and maybe because it was so important and maybe because it was such a close election for Kamala, that people said don’t criticize her… And I think: that’s actually bad to take that approach to have. And I think in retrospect a lot of people feel that way.”

Well, they don’t call it hindsight for nothing, because that’s what you see when you kiss each other. Here’s the suddenly brave Whitney Cummings.

“I just think it’s strange that we’re in a time where if you’re on the left and you don’t criticize your party, how much do you care about your party? You know what I mean? It’s like what’s going on on the left? I had to, I finally just broke… I just think if you love your party, you should be able to criticize it, you know?”

The question is who pressured them to stay in line? Did either comic have a boss who could fire them? No. They stayed in line because their agents, managers, and their own wallets told them to. And also their peers. They were afraid of upsetting people they wanted to impress. What if they ran into Seth Rogen at Whole Foods? Or Chelsea Handler at the free clinic? Or Leo DiCaprio at their daughter’s high school graduation?

In the meantime, comics with real courage for the past four years. Well, they were on this show or wrote for it behind the scenes. They said what they thought and shared the risk. They told the truth about what they saw and lost work because of it. Nick DePaulo says he’s been canceled more times than Chris Christie’s gym membership. But they lost jobs and they lost friends. I heard that Joe Mackey couldn’t get laid as well as he could before or after. Luckily the show helped them pack halls and clubs, and now everyone suddenly agrees with them and us, without ever admitting that we were right of course. Anyway, in the end it only cost them elections and the goodwill of the public. Better luck next time, guys. Maybe then you’ll have grown some balls.


Greg Gutfeld currently hosts Gutfeld! (weekdays, 11:00 PM-12:00 PM/ET) and co-host of the top-rated cable news program The Five (weekdays, 5:00 PM-6:00 PM/ET).