Florida’s police officer delivers Pizza after Big Gator has been spotted in the customer’s driveway

A Florida Woman was a surprise when a police officer finally delivered her pizza because of an eight-foot alligator that hid under a vehicle in her driveway.

The Bradenton Police Department Shared a video of the meeting on X, which shows that officer Tolson responded to the call.

“Pizza … with a side of Gator?” read the message. “Officer Tolson responded to calls about an 8-foot Gator in a 55+ community, intercepted a terrified pizza delivery person and made sure that a hungry customer was fed (and it wasn’t a hungry gator). Everything in a day of work!”

In shared body camera images, the police officer can be heard that he tells a woman who has arrived to deliver the pizza to stop because of the great alligator.

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An alligator crawled under the car of a woman who ordered pizza in Bradenton, Fla., Who was eventually delivered by a police officer. (Bradenton Police Department)

The officer suggested that the pizza deliverer went to the back of the house, when she answered: “I’m a little scared.”

Tolson tried to reassure the woman that, as long as the alligator stayed under the car, she could go to the back of the house.

“Do you want to do it, officer,” the woman asked.

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A pizza delivery woman from Florida received an assist from the police after a Gator was seen in the driveway of a customer. (Bradenton Police Department)

She then handed the pizza to Tolson, together with the receipt, as a neighbor who called the woman in the house who ordered the pizza. During the call, the neighbor said the woman that she should not get out of her front door because of the alligator.

Yet the woman opened the door to go outside. Immediately Tolson told her that she should not come because there was an alligator under her car.

“Oh my God!” she exclaimed. “My heaven! There is an alligator under my car!”

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An alligator crawled under a car of a woman who ordered pizza in Bradenton, Florida, who was eventually delivered by a police officer.

An alligator crawled under the car of a woman who ordered pizza in Bradenton, Fla., Who was eventually delivered by a police officer. (Bradenton Police Department)

Tolson told the woman to go back into the house when she asked her pizza.

“Where is my pizza?” she asked.

Tolson told her that he would meet her at the back door with the pizza.

Florida-Police-Officer Pizza

The woman met officer Tolson at the back door, where they exchanged money for the pizza. (Bradenton Police Department)

Then she said, “Holy St!”

When the officer came to the back door, he was met by the woman who had cash in her hand and asked how much she owed.

Tolson told the woman he did not know because he was not the delivery person.

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Trappers measured the alligator, which turned out to be eight feet. (Bradenton Police Department)

“Are you a police officer?” she asked in a surprising way. “They called you?”

After a short exchange, the two changed the pizza for cash, of which Tolson said he would give the delivery person.

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Before they separated, the woman said she wanted to take a picture of the photo. To be on the safe side, the officer took a picture of the gigantic reptile under the car with her phone for the Alligator was taken away.

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