Most companies do beginning to recognize that the employees be engaged and productive at workthey must have a baseline level of well-being. But some employees struggle more than others.
While around half of working men rate their well-being as “very positive”, only around 38% of women say the same, according to a recent survey report from Turn ona technology consulting firm that surveyed about 2,500 employees. They are also female employees much more likely than their male counterparts experience symptoms of burnoutabout 48% compared to 36%.
Laine Thomas Conway, Vice President of Service Engagement Strategy at Alight, speaks Wealth this largely stems from the differences between men and women when it comes to their personal and professional lives. “All (women) are under pressure which can be challenging,” she says.
i work women are more and more juggling the responsibilities of being both breadwinner of the family and shoulders a most household chores. Women also face professional barriers that may include sexual harassment, unequal pay, negative feedbackand inadequate benefits.
Women reported lower scores on every well-being metric the researchers measured. Only 38% of women rate their physical health highly, compared to 50% of men. The same is true for mental and emotional health—about 37% of women say they are fine, compared to 47% of men. Women are less satisfied with their social well-being than men, 38% and 47%, respectively. There is also a difference when it comes to how satisfied women are with their careers; about 38% of women report high satisfaction, compared to 49% of men. But the biggest gap relates to financial well-being – about 31% of women rate their economic situation positively, compared to 46% of men.
Women “don’t see the support they need,” says Thomas Conway. “We know that well-being is a priority for employers, but women don’t necessarily see it playing out for them. And that’s disappointing.”
Thomas Conway says employers need to make sure they provide women workers with the meaningful benefits they actually want. Flexible working, for example, has become one of the most respected benefits among female employees, with funds for mental health and subsidized childcare. Giving women options to better manage their time, while alleviating some of their financial pressure caused by family expenses, will help them on their journey to recovery.
“Employers need to think about, ‘How do we make this relevant to women? How to engage women in their well-being?’, says Thomas Conway.
Emma Burleigh
[email protected]
Today’s edition was prepared by Brit Morse.
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