Ever since he publicly published with his Stage 3 Non-Haper Lymphoma Diagnosis In November 2024, Dave Kulier is frank about his illness, treatment and prognosis.
The incompetent lymphoma is a type of cancer that affects the patient’s lymphatic system, such as “white blood cells called lymphocytes (which) grow abnormal and can form outgrowths (tumors) in the whole body”, according to The Mayo ClinicS With his wife Melissa carries Culier, for his part, relies on “the very specific plan of his doctors on how they will treat” cancer.
“This was really a conscious decision, I will meet this chapter and I want people to know, diagnosis. “I will not try to hide anything. I would rather talk about it and open the discussion and inspire people. “
Coulier’s treatment continues, with his plan after his diagnosis being to complete chemotherapy in February 2025 and be in a general remission.
However, Donexi revealed in January 2025 that treatment is Taking its influence on CoulierS
“He has some really difficult days, and as the chemo accumulates, it becomes a little more difficult and difficult,” Brig said during an interview with Wxyz, published on Thursday, January 23.
She added that on good days they play a song and have a “dance party with dogs” to celebrate the positive moments.
Continue to scroll for everything Coulier has said about his cancer battle.
Dealing with his diagnosis

Coulier was first diagnosed for the first time in October 2024 after fighting an upper threaded infection that led to severe swelling of his lymph nodes. When an area swelled to the size of a golf ball, he suffered pets and CT and a biopsy that revealed cancer.
“I went from” I have a little cold head “to” I have cancer “and it was quite compelling,” he told PeopleS “It was a really quick ride of a trip of travel.”
Good days and bad days
Coulier has expanded Bring’s comments about the good and bad days, adding that when things are going well, a hockey fan can even skate.
“Some days are nasty and dizzy, and then there are other days in which the steroids begin, and I feel like I have a tone of energy,” he told before PeopleS “I actually went down yesterday with friends here in Detroit. We just went and slide and shot washers, and it was wonderful to just be there, doing something I love and just trying to focus on all the great things I have in my life. “
Early discovery
While Coulier continues his own battle, he also uses his platform to help others understand the importance of early detection.
“There is a lot to live. And if that means talking to your doctors or getting a mammogram or breast or colonoscopy exam, this can really make a big change in your life, “he said, per PeopleS
He added that after his diagnosis, he had heard from others who went for examinations.
“I have heard from so many people who have been inspired by my words and actions to say that they will register with their doctors and receive mammograms, colonoscopy or prostate exam,” Kulier said Instagram In November 2024, “I will still laugh at adversity.”
His forecast
Culier expressed optimism for his recovery after a bone marrow test returned negatively shortly after his diagnosis.
“At that moment, my chances of treating went from something low to () 90 percent range,” he said. “So it was a great day.”
Telling the full cast

Culier wanted Make sure his television familythe cast of Full houseI heard the news of his diagnosis from him.
“I didn’t want them to hear it from someone else, so I sent a text message,” said Kulier. “It was just that pouring out,” I’ll be there. You just name time and I know you’re in great hands (my wife Melissa), but what can we do? The love we have for each other is really prevalent. We have been there for so many years for each other and it is quite remarkable. “
John Stamos wearing a bald hat

After learning about his friend’s diagnosis, Stamos visited him while Wearing a bald hat in a support show. He and Kuli posted a photo on Instagram, and although many supported, others criticized Stamos for not shaving his head.
“I’m sorry I saw a bunch of negative comments, as I just started my cancer trip,” Kulier wrote via Instagram on November 19th. “This is our friendship (me and John) and so we handle a very difficult time. I’m a comedian and the humor is what drives me. John knows how to cheer me up and I laughed aloud when he arrived, wearing a bald hat – like a real loving friend and brother. “
“The constant battle”
Coulier’s treatment is a “permanent battle,” he said in an episode of January 2025, on his podcast “Full House Rewind”.
“Side effects have side effects,” he said. “And then you take medicine to counteract this and that. So it is this constant cocktail where your body is in battle or flight mode and just try to adapt: ​​“Okay, how do I adapt to steroids? How do I adapt to the chemo cocktail? “
“It’s a little internal battle,” he added.