Court She says she only considered suicide after she was cyberized as a teenager.
Stodon, who is already 30 years old, appears in the ABC News documentary Impact X Nightline: Confession of a baby brideScheduled to hand over Thursday, March 20, to Hulu.
In a YouTube Clip from her interview with Nightlines Juju ChangStodden turned to the negative treatment he received online after his 2011 wedding. Doug Hutchison, When he was 51 and she was only 16.
“In fact, I almost managed to commit suicide because (the cyberbully) was a huge part of him. I wrote a suicide letter,” she said. “I remember my last thought was,” You know, maybe I don’t deserve to be here when the people who are that they tell me I don’t deserve to be. “
Stoyon at first glance referred to past comments made by Chris Teigen Via X, where in 2011 she allegedly told the model “My Friday Fantasy: You. Direct Nap.”
“I know she says it’s from alcohol or whatever she wanted to say it was: to tell this to a child when you’re the Queen of Twitter was so many,” Stodon said. (S)US Weekly turned to Teigen for comment.)
Stodon, who divorced Hatchison in 2020, said that when she looked back at this difficult period in her life, she wanted to “grab” her younger self and “hug” her.
Teigen’s tweets for a step appeared in 2021, prompting the influence and wife of John legend yes Issue a public apologyS
“There are not many people who are lucky enough to be responsible for all their past bulls – t in front of the whole world. I’m terrible and sad about who I am. wrote by X at this time. “I’m ashamed and completely embarrassed by my behavior, but this is nothing compared to how I made Courtney feel.”
Stoddan earlier said The daily beast That the author of the cookbook was among many celebrities who sent harmful comments in the past.
“She would not be publicly tweed, she wanted to take a” daring nap “, but she would appoint me alone and tell me to kill myself. “Some of the worst treatment I received were women and we won’t get to anywhere if we continue to behave each other.”
If you or someone you know are struggling with suicidal thoughts please contact National suicide prophylaxis rescue line to 1-800-273-8255.