Clean Energy Drink That Burns Fat

Are you tired of feeling sluggish and exhausted by midday? Say goodbye to the mid-afternoon slump Pep Rally Energy Boostthe clean energy drink that burns fat and keeps you going for long, tiring days. Full of natural ingredients, Pep Rally is designed to give you the perfect energy boost without the crash or jitters that…

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It’s a Trial (Year)

We have two options for how we spend the rest of 2024: Path A: Coast and say “I’ll start backing up in January.” Path B: Treat it as a Beta Test for 2025. Our brain will try and convince us to choose Path A. I want you to choose Path B. Here’s how Beta Testing…

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94 Years of Wisdom | Nerd Fitness

Last week, I flew to Massachusetts to visit my 94-year-old grandmother in the hospital. Let me tell you about this amazing woman. Barbara, Auntie B, or Gramma to our grandchildren, was born in 1930 to first generation Newfoundlanders. (No wonder I like the music of TheAlan DoyleThe (and TheBig SeaThe), it’s in my DNA!) Gramma…

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The ONE thing that finally worked…

I stumbled Thea reddit threadThe that really caught my attention. Someone asked “What was the ‘one thing’ that finally got the weight off for you?” And this question has 5,400 responses (and counting). Some of the answers had to do with changes in the environment or changes in how they prepared their food: “Pouring snacks…

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Boundaries: the Cure for Burnout?

It’s been a while since I felt uncomfortable. I had an empty afternoon last week and I saw Speak No Evil (Thetrailer hereThe), a horror/suspense film about a family visiting another couple they met on vacation. And shockingthings don’t go as expected. If you see the The“Dinner Party” episode of The OfficeThe where Jim and…

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Beware the Story, Embrace the Science

Have you heard of “Blue Zones”? These pockets of the world are known for having citizens who live long, healthy lives. Some of these locations may look familiar: Okinawa, Japan (home of Mr. Miyagi from Karate Kid!). Sardinia, Italy. Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica. Icaria, Greece. These locations have a higher percentage of people living longer…

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Wasted Effort | Nerd Fitness

I remember racing down the escalator at Macy’s in the Cape Cod Mall. My mom, calmly riding the Up escalator like a regular person, would say I’m going to hurt myself (possible) or I’m making a scene (correct) or disturbing people trying to get off the escalator (also correct). Sometimes I get to the top,…

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