Bozoma Saint John details about the past Rhobh pregnancy loss

Bozoma Saint John details of past pregnancy loss
Bryan Bedder/Getty Images

Bozoma Saint John Share intimate details about her fertility trip The real hosts of Beverly HillsS

“The experience of pregnancy was not easy for me,” Boz said during Tuesday, February 18th Episode of RhorS “I declined unexpectedly with my first daughter named Eva. Five months after pregnancy, I found that I have early stages of preeclampsia, a disease that creates high blood pressure and begins to attack your pregnancy. “

About six and a half months after pregnancy, Boz said she was hospitalized for high blood pressure, where she was immediately accepted into birth and birth.

“My baby doesn’t survive,” she recalls. “Two months after I lost Eve, I decided that I was meant to be a mother and want to have another baby.

Bose and her late husband, Peter St. Johnwelcomed a daughter, Lael Saint JohnIn 2009 (Peter died in 2013, Months after diagnosis with cancer.)

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The bosom Saint John surprised himself and his inner circle, choosing to join the real hosts of Beverly Hills Season 14 Acting. “I have taken so many different steps in my career that I don’t think anyone can actually guess what next for me. Girl, like including me, “47 Saint John told us, said exceptionally (…)

Bravo’s fertituality has been discussed several times this season of Rhor “She and the boyfriend Kiley Watson have discussed the possibility of having their own child.

Bozoma Saint John details of past pregnancy loss

Sutton Strake, Erika Jane and Bosome St. John of “Real Hills of Beverly Hills” Griffin Nagel/Bravo

“As I was a mature woman, you would assume that I need to check to see if I was still viable so I could wear baby and Keely is ready,” she said during the episode on Tuesday. “We haven’t met the fertility doctor yet.”

Bose explained that the whole thing was “scary” because of her Previous experience with a pregnancy lossS

“This pregnancy trip was in theory and is now a reality. If I am going to take some needles in me, it does it very real, “she admitted. “I was really excited, but now I’m nervous. I feel scared. What if we don’t get the desired results? “

After losing her first pregnancy, Boz said her pregnancy with Lael was “terrifying”, adding that she felt “horror” during every doctor’s meeting.

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Phylicia JL Munn/Bravo When Bosom St. John joins the real hosts of Beverly Hills, don’t expect her to let her colleagues walk on her. St. John, 47, will join Kyle Richards, Erika Jane, Garsel Bowace, Dorit Campley and Sutton Stroche as members of Season 14, when the main staple returns on Tuesday (…)

“I’ll have to squeeze Peter’s hand because, what happens?” Recall Boose. “At 15, I am more resilient than the last (time) I had this problem. I need some assurances and I don’t know how to get it. “

She also discussed her feelings regarding the possibility of a future pregnancy during a confessor.

“Although it is exciting and I hope to think about having a baby baby, I can’t help but return to those days I was afraid to death every day of my pregnancy,” she said.

The real hosts of Beverly Hills Airbatting on Bravo Tuesday at 8:00 pm and streams the next day of peacock.

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