Bottom of the Down deck captain suggests a shooting of Season 3

Captain Jason Chambers Pays the law during season 3 of Below the deck belowS

During an exclusive interview with US WeeklyJason, 52, annoys that not everyone stays on the boat until the end. “I do Cut a little cancerS No pun, as I just cut melanoma, “he said. “But I get on some things – whether it is termination or not – you will have to wait and see.”

Jason subsequently admitted the apparent “friction” Between the main stew and Bosun this season.

“Obviously, as a captain, I wouldn’t think it would be so,” he said. “I would actually think that I would worry more about the junior (members) than the department leaders, who should actually be professional and experienced enough to pass through the obstacles that are there.”

Under the largest drama of Dock Down over the years

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The franchise below the deck has its fair share of the drama over the years -and below the deck below it is no different. The Spinoff show, which premiered Paicock in March 2022, left a memorable impression on viewers when it came to feuds, dismissals and chaos. During the first season, fans and throwing decent (…)

Although it holds its hopes high for this charter, Jason You didn’t mind getting in When needed.

“If you have seen me in seasons 1 and 2, I am all about the positivity and the team that is being implemented. I’m not here to micron. I’m here to help, “he noted. “Our ultimate goal is to get to the point where we grow, to succeed and to give guests everything they want. It’s a simple task to follow, right? “

Captain Jason hints at dismissing someone on season 3 on the pad below
Fred Jageno/Bravo

Season 3, which premiered on Monday, February 3, includes Jason again led by graduates Board Tsarina Mace-Malk and covers a hand Harry van WillitS Bosun recruits joined them Wihan du toitStew Lara RigbyCoating Johnny Arvanite and Adir Verleystew Bryana Duffend and Marina Marconds de Baros and Sus-chef Anthony BirdS

“I will not tolerate department leaders screaming at each other,” Jason told the crew in a Look at the rest of the season. “There is an underboard on board and for me it is an infection. I’ll just keep cutting the infection so I have to let you go. “

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Bravo and peacock viewers were for the premiere of the pad below the deck below – as many of the stars of the show left a lasting impression. The Spinoff series, which debuted in 2022, included Alum AEha Scott’s Mediterranean in the Mediterranean deck. The chief Stu joined Captain Jason Chambers and the rest of the group (…)

In the official trailer, one of the men was seen piercing the wall late at night. So far, no more details have been shared than the rest of the cast. There will be to be boats To unpack.

“We haven’t really had a romance in the last few seasons, so it will be guaranteed,” he told you to USAS “However, this is a remote cruise this season. It’s beautiful somewhere. It was easy to attract guests to come and this is the first time the franchise was in Africa. So this is something great and a little spreads our wings – so I look forward to it. “

Captain Jason hints at dismissing someone on season 3 on the pad below
Fred Jageno/Bravo

Jason added that there would be “romances on board” in real life, so it does as he descends into the show. : “It is important to understand that these franchises are trying to show the audience what it is like to work on a boat,” he said. “We are doing probably six or seven months charter for six weeks, so let’s just stand up to him The distance is going on.

Below the deck below Season 3 premieres on Monday Bravo at 8:00 pm. The new episodes are transmitted the next day to Peacock.