Former president Joe Biden Posted X Saturday to celebrate International Women’s Day, and many Americans called on the record of his administration to enable transgender athletes to compete in women’s sports.
“Like so many of you, I celebrate the incredible women in my life today. International Women’s Day is a time to recognize the performance of women and girls everywhere and to restore our efforts to promote dignity, opportunities and equality for everyone. When women and girls succeed, the communities, economies and democracies succeed,” Biden wrote.
During the day Biden’s PresidencyHe signed an executive order that could compete in women’s and girls’ sports, tried to rewrite the title IX to allow this and even tried to punish states for taking their own steps to combat the issue.
Since Biden left the office, Democrats have done enough in the congress and the governments of the state to tackle Republican attempts to tackle the issue.
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There was a wave of criticism of his festive post Saturday.
Critici include the American rep. Brandon Gill, R-Texas, who placed a screenshot of the mood of the House of Representatives about the protection of women and girls in the Sports Act, against which 203 Democrats against. The bill Was subsequently filmed in the Senate when 45 Democrats opposed it.
XX-Xy Athletics, the Sportswear brand that focuses on promoting activism of protecting female athletes against trans-inclusion, taunted for “eroding” women’s rights.
Other Americans shared their own thoughts.
“They don’t succeed when men take over their spaces,” wrote an X user.
Another X user wrote: “Are you therefore so humiliated by men in women’s sports? Ask for my sisters and daughters? Or do you even know that you did it?”
“Hey Joe. What is a woman? Is your way of celebrating it by letting men in women’s sports? Remove the identity of real women?” Another user wrote.
Biden’s record of allowing transatletes to compete in women’s and girls sports became one of the greatest vulnerabilities of the Democratic Party in the 2024 elections.
On the first day of his presidency in January 2021, Biden signed a executive order About “preventing and combating discrimination based on gender identity or sexual orientation.”
The order contained a part with the text: “Children should be able to learn without worrying about whether they will be refused access to the toilet, the dressing room or school sports.”
In March 2023, Democrats argued for a transgender Bill of Rights, who suggested a resolution “Recognize that it is the duty of the federal government to develop and implement a transgender Bill of Rights.” The resolution specifically called for federal legislation to ensure that biological men “can participate in sports in teams and programs that best match their gender identity; (s) use of school facilities that best match their gender identity.”
In April 2023, the Ministry of Education Van Biden proposed a change of rule that would have done Punished schools To prevent trans -athletes to participate in women’s sports.
The proposition was entitled “Nondisrimination based on sex in educational programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance: sex -related criteria for male and female athletic teams.”
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The rule would have forbidden individual states to prohibit participation in sports with one gender by gender identity rather than just sex. There are 23 states in the US who have legislation to limit transatletes to compete as women on sports at the public school.
In April 2024, Biden published a major title IX re -reference that expressed a ban on “sex” discrimination based on gender identity, sexual orientation and “pregnancy or related circumstances”. The rule came into force on 1 August and for the first time the law stated that discrimination on the basis of sex behavior contains the gender identity of a person.
More than two dozen lawyers -general, suggested the rule, and claimed that it would be contrary to some of their state laws that block transgender students to participate in women’s sports.
The Supreme Court laid down an emergency request from Biden to enforce the rewriting in states that the rewring in August.
When the elections arrived in Novemeber, Biden’s record about the issue may have failed his party because it lost the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives.
A National Exit survey Led by the Women for America’s legislative Action Committee discovered that 70% of moderate voters saw the issue “Donald Trump’s opposition to transgender boys and men saw those girls and women’s sports playing and of transgender boys and men who use girls and women’s bathrooms” as important to them.
Moreover, 6% said that this was the most important issue of all, while 44% said it was ‘very important’.
After President Donald Trump returned to his office, he signed an executive order that forbade Trans-Athletes in women’s and girls sports on 5 February.
A recent New York Times/Ipsos Survey Discovered that the vast majority of Americans, including a majority of the Democrats, does not believe that transgender athletes should be allowed to compete in women’s sports. Of the 2,128 people who participated, 79% said that biological men who identify as women are not allowed to participate in women’s sports.
Of the 1,025 people who identified as Democrats or Leaning Democrat, 67% said that transgender athletes should not be allowed to compete with women.
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