9-1-1 Star Aisha Hinds It was entirely the challenge of making its directorial debut in season 8 of the show – but the control of behind the camera definitely came with its own concerns.
“I was nervous to shoot the whole thing,” Hinds said at 49, said extremely US Weekly With laughter. “Just because I just didn’t have a gauge. I had no idea what I did not know, because I never did it before. So while everyone was very supportive and encouraging, saying to me,” You know more than you think, “I didn’t know exactly how these things would be manifested.”
Hinds went up to the chairman of the director for the first time for Episode 11 of Season 8, entitled “The Holy Mother of God”, which aired on Thursday, March 20. The hour presented mostly Captain Bobby Nash (Peter Crause) alienated mother, Anne (Leslie Anne Warren), on the series, describing in detail the tumultuous relationship of the couple and the past.
While the storyline was great for any director to take, Hinds said the preparation process was extremely useful to give her some so much confidence and “encouragement”.
“I have to shade several different people to see their entrance points and how they approach history,” she explained. “And each of them was moving home the concept you just left this story to be your compass. It was the thing that helped me put the things I knew on the spot and the things that scared me … And the first day I appeared on my first set and unlocked what I wanted to do with the blocking and allow me to block me through Through what blocks him that I wanted to do with the blocking and allowed the story to direct me through what was blocking him, that I wanted to do with the blocking and let the story direct me through what I was blocking it, that I wanted to do with the blockage and allowed the story to direct me through what I wanted to do, I was blocking and blocking me.
Tip from several mentors and friends of the director – including Showrunner Tim Minister – It was useful, but Hinds noted that there were still days in the process in which it turned out to be “stumbled”. Many of the scenes of the episode were filmed, for example, in a mega-church, and called for a large amount of extras.
“The church was one of the things that scared me because there were 400 extras! And so there are so many moving parts,” she added. “You know all these extras, you have big cranes, you have four cameras at the same time. You have a choir. You have your main actress Leslie Anne Warren, who gives us your incredible soul at this stage … This is a little different than the scene of two people or two people who talk.”

Leslie Anne Warren, Sean O’Brien
Disney/Christopher WillardChallenges aside, the scenes between Bobby and his mother were some of Hinds’ favorite to shoot.
“The whole storyline (of) Bobby’s mother, who returned to his life through the church, was quite deep for me,” she told USAS “Like someone who has penetrated my personal faith and my own walk of faith, it was something of those things that I really liked to peel off the layers and see his own skepticism and part of his anglers, and the trauma that he felt surrounded by his family.”
She continued, “And so I just loved to unpack this story in real time, as they were making this intense gathering, which turned out to be really gentle and beautiful and vulnerable to all. There were, you know, a certain level of transparency, that they were all ready to live and say some things that may not have said in years and years. An audience, which is what is what is what was done?

Bobby, of course, was not the only person working through his problems during the Holy Mother of God. After eight seasons of fan speculation, Buck (Oliver Stark) finally encountered the question of whether He has romantic feelings toward his best friend Eddie (Ryan Guzman). The subject was brought up by the former Tommy of Buck (Lou Ferrgino Jr.) who returns for a single -day branch and was again asked by the sister of Buck, Madi (Jennifer Love Hewitt). Buck denied the accusations, although neither Tommy nor Madi seemed completely convinced.
Hinds, for his part, knew that the topic would be a cornerstone for the show and “of course” felt the pressure to make it justice – for viewers and for her good friends, Stark, 33 and Guzman, 37 years old.
“It is well documented that I have a very close relationship with Oliver off the screen and even with Ryan. And this is what our fans wanted to hear aloud and unpack, you know? And I’m like,” You guys, why would you give me that responsibility? “She said with laughter. “Because now they will look at me as a person who decides how this story should go!”
All jokes aside, Hinds loved that 9-1-1 The writing team managed to “hear, listen and speak” to part of Buck’s story that “a lot of People are invested c. ”

Aisha Hinds, Peter Crause, Kenneth Choi
Disney/Christopher Willard“It is healthy for Buck to have the opportunity to share its truth and share where it is and what is happening,” she said. “And Tommy to express his thoughts and what he thinks may or may not continue, and Madi to be the ship to say aloud what many people want to say or think. And so He turns to conversation. “
Hinds noted that it was the actors who really “took the mantle” and dealt with the situation with “beautiful vulnerability and authenticity and honesty”, and she looks forward to seeing where the story follows.
“There is so much more to explore with Buck and the heart and his love life,” she told USAS “And I just hope that in the next seasons we will be able to do it in a way that really honors it and the journey of season 1.”
As for the best performances given by the cast, Hinds was in a hurry to give all his Castmates fellow Castmates for their talent, but was deeply appreciated for their support and dedication to make sure they deliver the best episode possible.
“I think we share a very deep connection between us as heroes, and outside the camera as comrades and friends. There is a deep friendship and deep trust among us. They were really, they really supported and rooted for me and wanted the best for this episode, as much as I was,” she explained. “So they all showed up, wanting to do everything they can and after that. Whether it’s for me or it’s just a service of stories and their characters, I’m grateful.”
For Hinds, it was just a treat so that she could watch her colleagues from a new point of view.
“While we were going through the process, I was so happy and so grateful to watch them work on the other side of the camera and really just just unravel in some of the choices they do,” she said, “and watch how to build these performances from a week to a week … It’s really different when you can watch after the monitor.”
New episodes from Season 9-1-1 ABC ABC Thursday at 20:00 ET.