Who Is Donald Trump Jr.’s Girlfriend Bettina Anderson? 5 things you need to know

Bettina Anderson

Bettina Anderson Alexander Tamargo/Getty Images for Zacapa No. 23 rum

Florida-based socialite Bettina Anderson became famous after going out hand in hand with Donald Trump Jr

On photos obtained from Daily MailAnderson, 37, it looked cozy with Trump Jr., 46, as they strolled around Palm Beach, Fla., on Monday, Dec. 9.

According to the outlet, the pair were out to celebrate Anderson’s birthday and spent nearly two hours together at the Buccan eatery downtown.

Son of the newly elected president Donald Trump was previously engaged to a television news personality Kimberly Guilfoylebreaking the news in 2022 after getting engaged in December 2020. Trump Jr. began dating Guilfoyle, who was a longtime friend of the Trump family, after his divorce from ex Vanessa Trump.

Keep scrolling for everything you need to know about Anderson:

Bettina Anderson is an influential woman and model

Although it is described through Instagram as “your typical stay-at-home mom” but without a husband or children, Anderson is a model and social media influencer. She boasts more than 38,000 followers on the platform and regularly shares photos from photoshoots in which she has participated.

The model worked with Hamilton Jewelers in 2022, appearing as the face of the high jeweller’s marketing campaign. Earlier that year, she appeared on the cover of Palm Beach Illustratedmagazine published in the prestigious city.

Anderson also tags various high fashion photographers in her photoshoot shares, including Nick Music who has created work for Bergdorf Goodman among other brands and clients.

When did Bettina Anderson’s relationship with Donald Trump Jr. begin

While the couple’s December 10 outing was caught on camera, Daily Mail also reported that Anderson and Trump Jr. were seen kissing on August 17. Photos obtained by the outlet at the time also showed the duo sitting together at a restaurant table in August.

Bettina Anderson

Bettina Anderson Gustavo Caballero/Getty Images for Omega Boutiques USA

Bettina Anderson’s many philanthropic pursuits

Anderson co-founded the Florida-based charity The Paradise Fund in 2005. According to Palm Beach Daily Newsthe charity was “created by a group of young professionals in Palm Beach” to “educate the younger generation about the current political, environmental and social issues facing the world’s youth”.

According to the company’s website, it also aims to “educate and spread awareness about the causes of … ongoing changes in weather patterns that ultimately translate into natural disasters.” According to South China Morning Postthe organization was also founded by “her brothers Kent and Loy.”

Anderson is also a board member of the Project Paradise Film Grant, through her company, and a patron of The Everglades Foundation, per South China Morning Post. The Everglades Foundation is described on its website as a “nonprofit organization working to restore and protect the Everglades” in Florida.

Bettina Anderson’s Influential Family

Anderson grew up in Palm Beach and is the daughter of the late Harry Loy Anderson Jrwho became president of Worth Avenue National Bank when he was 26 years old, thus becoming the youngest bank president in US history.

According to South China Morning PostAnderson’s father also contributed “significantly to the American Red Cross.”

The outlet also reported that Anderson’s mother, Inger Andersonis also a philanthropist.

Bettina Anderson Dating Story

Anderson states on her Instagram account that she is not married and has no children. According to Daily Mailshe was reportedly dating William “Beau” Wrigley Jrwho is the heir to the Wrigley chewing gum fortune, in 2017.