FLOYD MAYWEATHER vs Logan Paul is underway, according to Floyd Mayweather’s social media. I discuss the report in the video below and give my opinion, which I know 95% of boxers, boxing fans and boxing journalists will not benefit.
If you don’t think Logan Paul deserves this fight, and if you think Floyd shouldn’t let this guy get in the ring with him, the business case says otherwise.
They say it’s a “super show” which means there is no “real” winner. It won’t continue on either of their records, but I know they both will.
Now I know Floyd is 50-0 compared to Logan’s 0-1, but Logan is 18 years younger than the great “Money” Mayweather, as well as 40 pounds heavier and 6 inches taller.
I’ve been to Logan’s house where he trains and believe me, he trains like the pro that he is. All boxers can learn from how Logan Paul has built a following and Floyd’s shrewd business brain.
If you disagree with me on all of this, I hope after watching this video you can see where I’m coming from: