Kalle Sauerland calls on fans to decide which fighters will enter WBSS Season III

KALLE SAUERLAND is calling on the fans to guide him when it comes to the third season of the World Boxing Super Series. The organizer hopes the new season, with weight classes “between one and three”, will start in the first half of 2021.

Sauerland, which is in the early stages of planning, said Boxing news that five possible tournaments are currently taking place: heavy weights; light-heavy; medium weight; fly/over-fly; and women’s super-featherweight.

The next stage of development is to measure exactly what fans want. When he has this information, he will formulate his proposal and take it to the WBSS board.

“It’s more important than ever for fans to have a voice,” explained Sauerland BN. “Tell me what you want. Don’t worry about politics and promoters and broadcasters or what fights are already in the planning stage. We have overcome significant obstacles in the past and will do so again.

“Call me the Bob Geldof of boxing!”

“Look, I’m a statistics guy and there’s one thing that works for me. It’s not complicated: there’s a calculation that everyone should think about: Best vs. best equals a high chance of a bloody rip!”

Watch the video below and get in touch; you as fans, and what you want to see, really matters and you can make a difference.

Fans and readers should take to Twitter – @SauerlandBros or @BoxingNewsED – and let Sauerland know their preferences for (1) weight classes and (2) which fighters they would like included. Or you can email directly to: [email protected]