AFTER another flawless performance by Canelo Alvarez last night, no one can argue that he is the best boxer in the world right now.
I’ve created a video below where I talk about where I think Alvarez ranks in the TBE (The Best Ever) category and I’m sure my pick in this one will shock more.
During his fight last night I was thinking that Avni Yildirim’s style is made for Canelo. But then I thought well whose style isn’t made for Canelo. He has dominated so many of those he has faced besides Floyd Mayweather, but that was when Alvarez was just 23 years old.
Alvarez is the most improved fighter I have ever seen, he just keeps getting better and better.
Now he has matched with my teammate and friend at Olympiakos Billy Joe SandersI think this is the one fight out there that everyone wants to see.
And I’m so excited about it. Will Canelo finally meet someone with the style to stop him from continuing to make history, or will he continue and continue to be the greatest of all time?
Watch this video where I tell you what I think: