Dakotas ready for renewed political prominence in the Senate, Trump cabinet leaders chose from the heart of the country

In 2025, the Trump administration and Congress are poised to effect a significant realignment of political power, shifting focus from the east and west coasts to the heartland, after decades of coastal dominance.

Republicans chose Senator John Thune of South Dakota as majority leader of the upper legislative chamber.

President-elect Trump has nominated South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem to lead Homeland Security and the Governor of North Dakota. Doug Burgum as Secretary of the Interior. Sen. Mike Rounds, R-S.D., is eyeing a top position on the cybersecurity subcommittee.

On that note, Dakota State University Chairman José-Marie Griffiths, who has advised Noem, Burgum and other regional figures, especially on cybersecurity issues, said it was time the region received attention.


“These people obviously all have a worldview that is much bigger than just the middle of the country. But it’s nice to know that the voices of the people in this part of the country will be heard and presumably considered and included in the bigger picture. scale,” she said.

Kristi Noem

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem (Getty)

During Bill Clinton’s first run for president, his top strategist James Carville called Pennsylvania “Philadelphia and Pittsburgh with Alabama in the middle,” leading to “Pennsyltucky” becoming part of the national lexicon as a punchline.

Recent legislative leaders have also largely come from California and New York, with Mitch McConnell of Kentucky being the exception.

In her interview with Fox News Digital, Griffiths added that the idea of ​​raising awareness inland, both institutionally and professionally, does have some proponents on the coasts.


She noted Rep. Ro Khanna’s previous comments about expanding his district’s “Silicon Valley” economy to other underserved parts of the country. The Democrat visited rural Kentucky and West Virginia to support emerging technology programs and study how the private sector and federal funds can strengthen such efforts.

“No one should be forced to leave their hometown to look for a new job in the economy,” says Khanna said earlier.

On Friday, Griffiths added that in the 7,000-person city of Madison, South Dakota, where she lives and works, people are satisfied with their environment and don’t want to move to Khanna’s California or commercial centers like New York with its population of 8.3 million .

Burgum and Trump campaign together

Doug Burgum and Donald Trump (AP)

“We have a huge number of really good young people in this part of the world,” she said. “They want to (stay) here, and we want to make sure they have the opportunity to do the type of work they are well qualified to do.”

Griffiths isn’t the only South Dakotan curious about what the new year will bring for her region.

Rep. Dusty Johnson, R-S.D., who represents the entire state in Congress, spoke briefly about the issue after meeting with DOGE figureheads Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy Thursday.

One proposal from DOGE advocates is to shift bureaucratic power outside of Washington, DC, to areas where its work is relevant and people can better communicate with agencies.

“The U.S. Forest Service should be moved to Rapid City, South Dakota,” Johnson said.


“The Black Hills of South Dakota provide an incredible natural resource, and it is a forest that has withstood all the great challenges that our forests face in this country. I would tell you that the people in the Black Hills of that forest and that they want to ensure that it continues for generations.”

Johnson said it would be easier to move the agency, founded by former Republican Pennsylvania Governor Gifford Pinchot and long entrenched in Washington, closer to the areas it affects.

Meanwhile, Griffiths said that with Noem potentially succeeding Alejandro Mayorkas, a South Dakotan will be ready to shift more attention to the issue of cybersecurity in the regionally relevant agricultural sector.

“Not only does she have to protect the borders, but there is also a strong cybersecurity component to her mandate there. And then Doug, who is at Home Affairs and chairs the Energy Council energy consortium, will be very, very interesting because that will also support efforts in the sector. conditions to ensure that the United States maintains its leadership role in new and emerging technologies,” Griffiths said, noting that DSU is a STEM university.

Dusty Johnson speaks

Agriculture Committee Member Dusty Johnson, RS.D. (Reuters)

In the North, Mark Jorritsma of the North Dakota Family Alliance, which works to “strengthen faith, family and freedom” and works closely with state leaders, said he is also encouraged by the federal leadership shift.

“We are happy that the Dakotas will have an even greater influence on the path our country takes,” Jorritsma said on Friday.

“President-elect Trump continues to show his support for the things that have made our country great – an abundance of resources and energy, the importance of the agricultural sector and an emphasis on faith, family and freedom.

“We look forward to strong leadership from these individuals, who will not only represent the Midwest, but also advance the values ​​that have been fundamental to the success of our entire nation.”

Fox News Digital reached out to Burgum, Noem, Rounds and Thune, but did not receive a response as of press time.