Several of the largest Hollywood stars have brought a new life to the classic Disney cartoon characters on the big screen.
Lily James“The role as Cinderella in the live movie in 2015 helped to put her on stars in the blue dress of the princess and the blond curls, the English actress blinded as she danced at night Richard MaddenPrince charming. Stars like Kate Blanchett and Helena Bonham Carter Rounded the cast like Lady Treman (Aka of Cinderella’s wicked step) and the fairy -tale godmother, respectively.
Emma Watson The role of Cinderella was initially offered, but instead decided to play Beauty and the BeastBookish main character, Belle, in the 2017 movie by using the capture of movement and special effects, And Stevens Completely transformed into unlikely – and the brutal – love interest of Bell.
Through the live remains, the cast, the cast and the crew managed to put their own rotation on Disney Stories that fans know and love. For example, Watson had the idea of ​​Bell to take his father’s love to invent.
“I was like,” Well, at the beginning of the story, there was never much information or details about why Bell did not enter, except that she liked books. Entertainment weekly In November 2016, “So, we created a background for her, which was that she invented a kind of washing machine, so instead of feathers, she could sit down and use that time to read instead.
Scroll to see more celebrities who have participated in Disney Movies Live: Disney: