Dax Shepard had a message about his listeners before his podcast episode with Andrew SchultzS
“Today we have a guest that I have been following on Instagram for several years,” says the 50 -year -old Shepard on Monday, March 17, Episode of The A “armchair expert” podcast before talking to Cohost Monica PadmanS “This is fun because you were on the fence for Andrew, for some of his comedies. And before he came, I said, “Come in. We will be glad to have you, but there will be some discount. ” So it was a very unique and fun episode. You guys really have to throw it away. “
Shepard explained that this episode was “really political”, although the sub -mate usually tries to “avoid politics.”
“I was like,” There is no way to do this without everything in, “Shepard recalled. “It was a lot of fun for me because we never do it. And also in the middle of that, I was like, “Yes, that’s why we never do it.” Because we are very detailed about this policy or this year and whatever. But I decided it was exciting to sit on the sidelines and watch all the work. “
In the episode, Schultz Unfiltered humor It was on a full display. While discussing his new Netflix special comedy, Lifewho turns to his journey to paternity with a spouse EmPadman asked Schultz for his joke about children with special needs.
“I can say it because they are my embryos,” says the 41-year-old Schultz for the R-Duma, adding, “If I have R—embryos, I can call them whatever I want. They are mine. “

Dax Shepard, Andrew Schultz.
Getty Images (2)Padman pointed out that Schultz has no child who has special needs and can cross paths with an upset parent who saw the joke at his daughter’s school.
When Padman asked him if he would “care” that the viewer was upset, Schultz replied: “Well, it depends on how they feel about it. If they see it and they are like, hey, it really hurt me and made me feel really uncomfortable. Then in this personal interaction I will feel bad that someone is hurt by him, a person. … I don’t feel bad for the people who tell me to feel bad on behalf of people that we don’t even know if they feel bad. “
Elsewhere in the podcast, the trio began to discuss Trans’s rights.
“There is something that people do not say, which is: ‘Do they have to compete against (CIS) women? “… No. But we can also say, “This is nasty to them. It’s so unfortunate that you are in this situation, “said Schultz, to which Shepard replied,” Let’s make a category. In fact, I support their right to compete and admit that they are a woman. I want this right for them, but not at the expense of 20 other people. “
Schultz noted that “there is not even a Twitter room for the little involvement in the environment” when discussing these problems.
“So it looks so firm and harsh, and we get things in 180 characters or whatever the hero’s limit is, there is room to be:” Man is like that man. ” Because I believe there are trends with things. So I think there are some young children who are probably identified as a trance who can’t really be a trance. … And then there are people who are trance. I guess the competition in the Olympics is not even the top 100 of the things they are interested in. … And now they are the speaking point of every show, and they just come out: “I’m just trying to be a barista in this thing and everyone who shows up wants to ask me if I should be a swimmer.” And you are like, “I don’t give AF – for swimming.”
For Schultz, he “loves” to talk with people who share different views of him because his opinions “become more intake”.
“I am like,” Oh, I hit this too rude and I am pouring all these people. I would do this with something with a trance athlete. I had no room for how bad it should be to be a trans person and I have nowhere to go and I just admit that this makes my opinion more smiling. “
Schultz also turned to his friendship – or his absence – with Shepard’s friend Jimmy Kimmelwith whom he recalled that he had an interaction back and forth Aaron Rogers. (The Kimel and Roger Facher dates back to 2021 but reigned in 2024 when the NFL player insinued that the host in late night should worry about the names of Jeffrey Epstein“List. Kimel struck the allegations and threatened to take court action. Later, Rogers said he did not” blame “Kimmel that he was on the list.)
“I felt he started with jokes, and then Aaron was joking and then I think Jimmy got some real life circumstances that affected him. I think he received some threats to death and the like SA, ”Schultz explained. “There are many crazy people there. Then he didn’t make it jokes. I was like, “Yo, you opened the door with jokes.” He replied with jokes. And then you were like, “What you do is dangerous.”
Schultz continued: “Jimmy is always a person I have watched and admired. He has iconic television shows, a history of comedy. For me, I felt a little misled. You club this man on national television, in one of the biggest shows he cut you back. To me, I’m like, “It doesn’t look honest.”
Schultz may not have a fan in Shepard’s wife, Kristen BellS Shepard recalled the couple, who tied the knot in 2013, attended the Shultz show – and a joke that did not land.
“I had Kristen on board, she was on the train of Andrew Schultz F-. And then this joke about abortion, you lost it, “she recalls Shepard, to whom Schultz replied,” Yes, it was not a good joke. … It had no nonsense to the joke. “

Schultz explained that the idea behind the joke is “How many abortions are too much” for one person. “If he goes to 20, I think there must be intervention where he is like,” Okay, we have to do something here. ” The idea is the beginning of a joke. Doing it is a stupid joke, “said Schultz, to whom Shepard explained that Bell had dealt with men who were not involved in the joke.
As they continued to discuss his controversial humor, Shepard said enmity with Kendrick LamarS
“He released an album and had a line in it. He was like: “Never let any white comedians not talk about any black woman, it’s a law,” Schultz said, claiming that he “received confirmation” Lamar’s Waced Out was for him. “I didn’t answer weeks. I had to shoot my special, I didn’t really care. It wasn’t even something that worried me about the line. “
Schultz continued: “The next row is:” And to N- – this cupping, n – – what was maintained is slid on both. ” … So the slide is like an attack or murder. I think, and the world thinks he talks about Charlamagne and Alex MediiThe two black dudes who are in the show. So, after telling people to kill my friends, you get what I give you. “
Schultz noted that Lamar had told him “stupid thing” and added, “You don’t tell your fans to kill two of my friends or to slide or to attack or to have whatever, even if it’s not serious, you put this energy there. So don’t be surprised if you get some energy. “
Schultz, who responded to the song, recalled the people who give the answer “racism so quickly.” Schultz claims his answer is “fair” after Lamar claims he offered his “fans to kill my friends.”
“It’s as playful as AF – you, I’ll kick your ass. But now I’m really worried about you because I’m like, “Well, he thinks he’s a rational person.” Kendrick is a national treasure. He is the Pulitzer Award, cannot be more talented or loved. And I go: – bro, is this the fight you choose? We have to choose our battles. Is that this? You were fine. “