Love is Taylor Haag and Daniel Hastings’ Timing Line

Taylor Hag and Daniel Hastings have proven that Love is blind – And this reality TV of Netflix The experiment works.

Taylor and Daniel Fall in love vision unprecedented When Netflix’s pods arrived in Minneapolis in the spring of 2024 and the show aired one year later. After a smooth connection in the pods, the duo went down the path and eventually said “I do it” in the finale of the season – and they remain blissfully in love.

“To say it was a wild ride, it would be quite an underestimation,” Daniel told Taylor in his wedding vows. “It’s crazy to think that just five weeks ago, I got on my knee after our first meeting. I fell in love with you because … the way you process things, the way you think about things, the way we immediately became the best friends, the way I see you are included in my life as my mother’s mother and my wife for the rest of my life. Like, that’s it. I see it. “

He added: “When we were in the pods, you can’t see it, you can just imagine it. And then I see you and I see it. This is what you are and this is what I love in you. I can just see a future with you. I see our lives together and I am so excited. “

Love is blind Taylor Haag explains why she almost got home

Related: Love is Taylor ‘almost got home’ before Daniel suggests the proposal

Taylor Haag was almost moving away from love is blind pods from Season 8 before Daniel Hastings ever suggested. “I almost got home – I lost my voice for three days straight and I was so disappointed,” Taylor said, 32 years old, told Entertainment Weekly in an interview published Wednesday, February 19th. “My voice is everything (…)

Continue to scroll for the full Taylor and Daniel relationship schedule:

Instant bond of the pod

Taylor and Daniel were one of the first dates of each other in the podsWhere she jokingly asked him to go down to her knee. After standing up, the duo contacted their values ​​and shared the love of the Christmas holiday.

Despite an instant relationship, Taylor almost gave up his public search for love when he felt sick during the photos.

“I almost got home – I lost my voice for three days straight and I was so disappointed,” ” She said Entertainment weekly In February 2025, “My voice is everything I have here and I am struggling to draw words. In fact, I didn’t interact with the girls in the salon because I tried to rest to return (my voice) as quickly as possible, so I felt that I was missing these interactions. “

She added: “I started putting things in my bag. I was like, “If I don’t have a voice tomorrow, I’ll go home” and come back. “

She said yes!

Taylor Hag Netflix

With the return of his voice, Taylor managed to continue to meet Daniel, who eventually offered at the end of the 10-day POD experiment.

“Honestly, I liked being your boyfriend in the last two days – but I’m ready for you to be my fiancé,” he asked. “So I won’t spend more time, I’ll just get on my knee. I’m on the knee again, a full circle. My sweet taylor, will you marry me? “

Taylor and Daniel met personally after she accepted his proposal for Pod.

Instagram of all this

Taylor Haag, Daniel Hastings Netflix

After the couple is discovered, Taylor felt something off And he claims that Daniel knows what he looks like before he joined the experiment, speculating that he followed her on Instagram before the photos. Daniel fervently denied the charges.

“It’s funny because it was one of those moments – we are always inclined to agree, but when we do not agree, we agree not to agree. And I was like, “I understand what she says.” And (my husband Nick) like, “I don’t think it’s such a big deal,” Cohost Vanessa Lachi Speaking US Weekly For the couple’s first argument. “This is the beauty of the show is this conversations for a cooler of the water.”

She added, “If someone follows you and knows a lot about you, is it honest? And it doesn’t really allow you to get to know them about who they are, because it’s personal. That is why it is Instagram and is published. She had this small voice in the back of her head and I was really proud of her that I was talking about him. “

Love is a blind s nick and vanessa lachey disagree with Taylor and Daniel S Instagram Drama 490 Daniel Hastings Taylor Haag

Related: Nick and Vanessa Libi Lachi disagree with the IG drama of Taylor and Daniel

The Instagram gate is swinging love is blind-Lacheys’ marriage. In Season 8 of the Netflix Dating Show, the stars Daniel Hasting and the engagement of Taylor Haag Bliss was tucked when she accused him of following her on Instagram before the show. “It’s funny because it was one of these moments – we’re always prone to (…)

Meet Hastings

Daniel Hastings, Taylor Haag Netflix

Taylor eventually managed to overcome her hesitation and the couple continued his engagement throughout the trip to Honduras until their wedding day. They both chose to get married – the only couple of season 8 to do it – at the finals of the season.

“I fell in love with your words (at our first meeting) and I move on every day,” Taylor said in his vows. “We have chosen each other from this first meeting and I promise to continue to choose you for the rest of my life. You gave me a love that I was not sure I existed, but I always prayed. “

Happily so far

Daniel Hastings, Taylor Haag Greg Gain/Netflix

During Matching Season 8Taylor threw “that last year was really great” for the news of the time.

“Daniel is my best friend, like, we laugh all the time, which I think has been shown a lot,” Taylor said during the story. “We’re just having fun so much together and I’m authentic and he accepts (this), I’m Super Guffy. He accepts it at nominal value and laughs with me, which is invaluable. “

Meanwhile, Daniel made their love a little more permanent and received a depiction of Taylor’s eyes, arranged on his chest.

“I know she had the most heart, she is the best person,” Daniel said at that time. “I’m really pleased to be able to experience this every day with how it treats other people and obviously how it treats me. Seeing her interacts with friends and family and people we encounter and how kind she is for them and we know that I experienced this with her in the pods … This is also true in real life. “

March 2025

Daniel pointed to Taylor as his “best friend” in a sweet birthday tribute.

“Today and we always celebrate my sweet Taylor -because the world is more light, better and better with you in it. I love you! Не“He writes through Instagram On March 13th.

Taylor, for his part, changed his handle on social media to take Daniel’s surname.

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