Jody Vance
With the kind assistance of Jody Vance/InstagramBodybuilder Jody VanceThe coach’s family and coach speak after she died at the age of 20.
“For those who have not heard yet, Jody died yesterday afternoon. Her heart stopped because of complications of heavy dehydration, “her family reported in A statement through Instagram On Friday, February 28th. “Despite all the efforts of the hospital, they failed to revive it. She was a handsome person inside and out and will be missing every day. It was sudden and unexpected. “
The statement concludes: “Please give her family time to process this loss in peace. If someone takes something from this please put your Heath first. “
Two days before her death, Vance upload a photo From the fitness hall of Columbus professionals, Ohio. She showed her muscles, bending her hand in the image in front of the Arnold Sports Festival. According to TMZVance did not compete at the event, but he was there as a coach to support the athletes he was training.
Justin MichaliVance’s fitness coach talks about his death on Saturday, March 1st, in a five -minute video on Instagram.

Jody Vance
With the kind assistance of Jody Vance/Instagram“Now that the family and I talked, it is the right time to make a statement that covers all aspects of what has happened over the last few days, which tragically took Jodi’s life too early,” Michali said, describing the grief he experiences after Vance’s death.
While emphasizing the best parts of his personality, Michali also said that Vance made a “significant mistake” in the learning process.
“We want to make sure this never happens again,” he continued. “Jody uses two extremely dangerous substances to improve his physics – I guess only for Arnold’s exposure – without my knowledge (or) my approval.”
As she did not compete, Michali said that “there is no reason” that Vance should have been dehydrated.
“Recently (her) health has become quite concerned and now we know why. We have the answers now, ”he continued. “Many people who loved Jody, including myself, tried to get her to take out the gas pedal. … Her working ethics was actually the second for anyone. It was so difficult to make her pull back. “
Michali explained that Vance had “expressed interest” to use a particular medicine before his death. He claims that Vance had a “insanely high” rating of potassium when she was taken to the hospitalS
“I didn’t see it first -hand, I was told. We know she had access to these things. We now know that it is being used, “he continued, explaining that Vance is a diuretic with a fat burning medicine. “There were some bad effects down the chain.”
Michali noted on his Instagram inscription that his video was published “Support and Approval” by Vance’s mother. “Thank you for holding Jody first and to everyone who has shown a pouring love for Jody and her family,” he added.