Army hammer once Tried to hook up With a man, after experiencing powerlessness from women – but that didn’t go as well as he hoped.
The actor, 38 -year -old, revealed that he tried to “hook up with a dude one time” during his “ARMI HAMMORTI subcontract” On Monday, March 3rd. “It was fun because I was like, you know what, women are the eldest. Like, gay dudes seem to have it as easy as as easy. “
To test this theory, Hammer downloaded the Grindr dating app and soon received an offer that he could not refuse.
“I’m in a restaurant, my phone explodes and it’s like Grindr, and someone else is like:” I’m in the same restaurant, do you want AB – J – in the bathroom? “He remembered. “And you are like,” Hey guys, I’ll be back in five minutes. “
Hamer went to meet the man, but it didn’t take him long to understand that he didn’t feel it.
“I remember meeting this dude, beautiful, French, all the work and I was like,” Okay, that can work, let’s try it, “he explained. “I remember I started dealing with him and I just remember that I was like,” Ur, God, a beard, as I understand why women like it when you shave. This thing is f – more group, how do I get there? “

Army hammer
Jim Spelman/WireimageThehe Call me with your name The actor was also rejected by the size of the person, adding, “And I remember hugging him around him and I was like,” Oh my God, and these shoulders are so wide, he is so great that it’s almost my height, it’s so strange. ” And that did it physically for me, absolutely nothing. Even a shaking. “
Hamer continued to say that he felt that he was just “going through the movements” and not to enjoy himself. In the end, he stopped at the meeting when the man tried to touch his “gloomy penis”.
Thehe Lonely ranger Star’s last revelation comes weeks after he admitted that he had cut his heart from a living animal and eat.
“You drink from your heart and you have all your friends around you, they drive you,” Hamer said during an interview with Luis Theroux’s subtotion last month. “It’s kind of like an almost too loaded male rite when you go to fish for the first time. Everyone I knew who went hunting for the first time had to do something like that. “
He noted that drinking was “not for cannibalism or sexual satisfaction.”
When a host Loux He directly asked if Hummer was a cannibal, he replied, “Do you know what you need to do to be a cannibal? In fact, you have to eat human flesh. So, no. “
Hammer’s career in Hollywood Effectively ended in 2021 After being accused of rape by ex. At that time, various unverified direct messages on social media, detailed to describe bright sexual fantasies – including cannibalism – were attributed to him. He categorically denied the allegations of rape and said that all his sexual meetings were consensus. The Los Angeles Police Department investigation was closed in May 2023 and The hammer was not chargedS
Speaking to Theroux, Hummer claims that nothing he ever did was against the law, but admitted that some of his actions make him uncomfortable.
“I left a lot of people in this awakening were very angry with me for my behavior. … A — – behavior. There is no way to get around, ”he said. “Does it make me advertising -? Absolutely. Like, I have no problem admitting that. I was an ad -. This is not illegal. “