Took three seasons but Showtime Yellow jackets Finally pairing Christina Richie and Melanie lins On the screen – until cheerful results.
Fortunately, the collaboration comes easily for the Costors – who have passed paths many times through their individual trips to Hollywood.
“We know each other personally. We were on our 20s (s) I met you when you did But I’m a cheerleader As I went to this premiere, “Richie remembered during US WeeklyThe first feature of “Talk” focused on the TV. “We were fond of each other (again) at Soulcycle when we were our 30s.”
Before they have to gather again Yellow jacketsLynskey and ricci started as on each other The biggest fans. Richie couldn’t help but take advantage of Linsky’s presentation in Celestial beings While her stage partner and good friend used the opportunity to praise Richie’s personal impact on the people around her.
The sweet exchange – and on Richie’s birthday not less – is a big difference for the colleagues of Lynskey and Ricci. Even since Yellow jackets Debuts in 2019Lynskey has played the older version of Sophie NelisShaun, who kept her feelings after a plane crash when they were teenagers, left the football team of all the girls in the middle of the Canadian desert. Richie, meanwhile, plays the bizarre fog – a role with which she shares Samantha Hanrati “Who wants to fit, no matter how much they repel her around her.

Watch the video above for the full conversation of Richie and Linsky, which ranges from the most memorable roles to relationships with former colleagues to their current adventure together at Yellow jacketsS Or continue to scroll to read the interview entirely:
Christina Richie: How much were we known with each other before we worked Yellow jackets?
Melanie Linsky: Well, you’re Christina Richie.
Cr: I know, but we know each other personally.
Ml: We know each other for a very long time.
Cr: Since we were our 20s. I met you when he did it But I’m a cheerleader Because I went to this premiere.
Ml: That’s right! It was so long ago. … We knew each other. And then, of course, I was very familiar with your work. I was a big fan.
Cr: I with yours too! A huge fan of Celestial beingsWhich I believe I told you.
Ml: I think you did it too.
Cr: I would absolutely have.
Ml: I am such a fan of yours and I have always been. Everything you did, you are so wonderful.
Cr: (Then) We came across each other in Soulcycle when we were 30 years old.
Ml: And what did we like about the other’s work? Well, I loved everything for you. I thought you were an incredible human being.
Cr: Oh, you know I love you so much.
Ml: You have quite emotional. This is your birthday. I just think you’re such an amazing person. You are such an amazing mother. I love how you protect the people you love. I love how strong you are. I love how smart you are. You’re so kind. You are very, very funny. You will always have the most ridiculous thing to say in any uncomfortable situation.
Cr: Melania is incredible. Melanie is like a big sister and I’m a little sister. I’ll always look at you and I’m just like, “Did I go beyond the borders? Adjust me. “I just love him. I always feel as if we have such a great relationship and you are just as wonderful (a person). I feel safe with you personally and you are so incredible actress and do so much of so little.
Cr: Do you know what I mean? Bring so much to something. There will be order written that I am just like, “Oh, it’s just a line.” Then you create something behind it that is just so impactful and incredible. From Celestial beings Next, I’ve always been a fan. I think I had a secret thing Two men and a half Because I really liked it.

Ml: This is news for me. We really enjoy each other and (I love this) you will almost always drink a glass of wine for dinner – as I do. I appreciate this. Because you want to drink a glass of wine.
Cr: We are all women (on the show) who have a glass of wine for dinner.
Ml: We are actually. We are all. Now Christina, what brings you back to character Yellow jackets Every season? Does it happen when you return to the wardrobe or is there a playlist you have?
Cr: I think I’m on the set and the combination of lines and atmosphere and wardrobe, everyone helps me get back in character. But I also have the feeling that when you play a hero for an extended period of time, this person is something like you always with you in a strange way.
Cr: Mel, how do you turn back into the shaun?
Ml: There was a moment at the beginning of the season, in which I always like it: “Oh God, did we forget?” And I remember I was in a moment when I was like, “What is foggy?” When we were going to do the scene, I was like, “What would it be?” And then I was like “Oh, right.”
Ml: You feel a little shaken. It’s always a long time between the seasons, but then it happens.
Cr: I will say that the return for Season 2 was so discouraging and so difficult. For me, my physicality was really discussed and I was pregnant all the time in season 1. So everyone was talking about my wad walk and I was like: “Well, it’s because of the baby inside me and I don’t have it anymore. So how will I do this? “
Cr: It was a little scary and I think I tried too much for the first few episodes, but then it was fine.
Ml: The show is likened to the surrounding gender The lord of the fliesS Is there another story historically focused on the men you would like to retell with women?
Ml: I made a full female live on Glengarry Glen Ross. That was really fun.
Cr: I saw that this was really dynamic with a bunch of women.
Cr: After spending three years Yellow jacketsWhat does it different from anything else you worked on?
Ml: It’s different that there are so many women of our age. It’s great to be around so many women and it’s always surprising. But every job is different.
Ml: One thing we share is that we both started acting at a young age. Do Cher Give you some advice on the mermaid set when you were only 9?
Cr: She gave me so many tips. She was literally the man on the set I would be like, “What is happening now?” And it would be like, “We will move there because it happens.” She literally spoke me through everything.
Cr: I remember there was a scene where everyone had to cry and I just like, “How will I do this crying thing?” And I was literally like, “And how are you going to cry, Cher?” She was like, “Well, I listen to this music and then I do this.” She has a tactile thing she does.
Ml: Oh, wow.
Cr: She touches something and the fabric evokes emotion. So she translated me all this, and she literally explained to me all the time. She was absolutely incredible and told me with your mind that I was a child. But she was never as if I could not understand something she was telling me.
Ml: Appropriate but respectful.
Cr: Yes. It was like, “You are a man and I’m sure if you don’t understand this, you’ll go on with a question.” I have never been condescending and have always been fully informed. It was an incredible experience. She was so sweet with me.
Ml: Oh, little Christina. A small genius. I love this.
Cr: How about you as a teenager? Did you learn anything from Kate Winslet Preparation Celestial beings? And you were the same age and was like both your first films?
Ml: No, she worked so long. It was her first movie and it was my first professional job. But she worked a lot on television in England. And I remember the first time I saw my head. She had a head and I was like, “What are they for?” And she was like, “Oh, you send them to the fans.” The concept of having a bunch of pictures of yourself? So I realized I didn’t know anything. I had absolutely no idea.
Cr: Did you go to an open casting?
Ml: They came to my high school.
Cr: And before that, did you have any aspirations to be an actress?
Ml: I liked to act. I wanted to be an actor. Everyone said, “This is not a real job. You have to choose something else. “
Cr: I was told, even when I was in four films. They are like “Well, you have to decide what you will be like an adult.”
Ml: You were like, “I’m so fun and successful. I think I’m doing well. “
Cr: But it’s so funny. It was like an open conversation that came to your high school?

Ml: They came to my high school and I didn’t listen. It was just improvised. They did not want anyone to know what the project was. But I do dramatically improvised every night – every Friday night – since I was 7 years old.
Cr: That’s amazing.
Ml: That was what we all did. My group of friends, we went to this class and did that. So it was easy and it was fun. Then I had a suitable real audition that was very scary,
Ml: But (Kate) was so useful. She understood the things I had no idea, and then they gave me a day off a set of learning how to hit the marking and not look at the camera, feel my light and just get used to it. It was amazing. So I didn’t show up trying to get the scene.
Cr: But then there were also inventing all these logistical things to do.
Ml: But she was amazing. We are talking about how I am so often the bigger sister -and it was a dynamic where she was a much older sister. I think it was really nice for me too. I never had a more adult brother, so it was really a very positive experience.
Cr: That’s good to hear!
Ml: In Season 3, we see Shaun and Misty spend a lot of time together. Why would you say that now is the right moment of Shaun and Misty to get close?
Cr: We like to work together. We have always had fun and a transcript. And you and I have so much experience in kits that it’s just as easy and natural.
Cr: I would say from the point of view of the mysteries, the impetus for her is that she has lost her best friend and is looking for new friendships and people with whom she is closer. And Tisi and Van are in their own small worlds, not accessible. Shauna is available. It is there that Misty is looking for a new friendship.