Conservative group Once at odds with Trump to ‘work closely’ with him in 2026 pre -elections

Exclusive – A leading conservative organization that is already a big spender in Republican primary politics, is looking for the game in the 2026 election cycle while it matches President Donald Trump And his political team.

“Our goal is going to get even bigger and do more,” emphasized Club for Growth President David McINTOSH in an exclusive interview with Fox News Digital.

The Club for Growth is a political advocacy that pushes a tax conservative agenda, including a focus on tax cuts and other economic issues.

The political arm, the Club for Growth Action Super Pac, has been an important player in Gop primary confrontations.

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Trump concludes peace with the club for growth

The then Vormer president Donald Trump, on the left, shakes hands with Club for Growth President David McINTOSH while Trump speaks at the annual donor Retreat of the group in The Breakers in Palm Beach, Florida, on March 1, 2024. (Club for Growth)

Club for Growth Action says it and its affiliated Super PACs $ 163 million collected in the 2024 Election cycleAnd touts that it won 73% of the races where it made political investments. The group says it wants to increase the Ante in the 2026 cycle, and it works to strengthen the Republican majorities in the house and the Senate.

McINTOSH said that when it comes to increasing investments this year and next year, “much of it depends on members. We depend on our donors to help us finance these races.”

However, he added: “We have some very good, generous people who support us in it.”

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“One of the most important factors,” emphasized McINTOSH, “becomes President Trump and his approval. That literally trumps everything else. So what we would do is recommend him and his political team what candidates we think would support his agenda, the free market, limited government conservatives that we could support together.”

McINTOSH and the club have had an up and down relationship with Trump. They opposed Trump as he ran to the White House in 2016 before he embraced him as an ally. In the 2022 cycle, Trump and the club worked together in a number of controversial GOP presections, but clashed with flammable senate nomination battles in Alabama, Ohio and Pennsylvania.

Former Rep. David McINTOSH, the president of the tax conservative group The Club for Growth, is interviewed by Fox News Digital on January 16, 2025 in Washington, DC

Former Rep. David McINTOSH, the president of the tax conservative group The Club for Growth, is interviewed by Fox News Digital on January 16, 2025 in Washington, DC (Fox News – Paul Steinhauser)

Moreover, the club was on the outs with Trump when the Republican Presidential Nominatierace of 2024 started. Trump repeatedly criticized McINTOSH and the club, referring to them as ‘the club for no growth’, and claimed that they were ‘a collection of political misfits, globalists and losers’.

However, Trump and Mcintosh made peace about a year ago, where Trump said in March 2024, while he was completing the Gop -Presidential nomination, that they were “in love again” after the long -term outages.

Trump, Club for Growth, Sleep Vrede prior to the 2024 elections

“I think you will see Club for Growth PACs working closely with President Trump, his political team,” McINTOSH told Fox News. “We are definitely going to work closely with his policy team to go through the tax assessment, much of the legislation that we both agree with it is really important to turn things around in the country.”

Club officials say they plan an eight-digit federal advocacy campaign to support what they call pro-growth, free market initiatives proposed by the Trump administration. A top item that will spot their campaign is the push to expand and permanently codify the Trump tax reductions that were assumed during his first term in the White House.

The group also argues for the legislation of federal school freedom, so that parents can “use federal tax dollars to send their students to the public, private, charter or home school that best suits their learning needs.”

Club for Growth Action Last year worked together with Allied groups to focus 10 Gop-sitting state legislators in Texas that had opposed the so-called school choice. The group also spent a lot of money in Tennessee on a similar mission, and this year his crusade continues in five other states where the accounts of school choice are considered.

The club on Thursday starts its annual donor retreat for TOP-Dollar employees, which is held every year in an exclusive resort on the beach in the Upper Crust Seaside Community of Palm Beach, Florida.

Ted Cruz in Palm Beach, Florida

Republican Senator Ted Cruz from Texas speaks at a donor conference organized by the conservative group The Club For Growth on 3 March 2023 in Palm Beach, Florida. (Fox News)

Some of the best known names on the right will speak at the Confab, while they mix with donors with a large bag.

There are sensors among the politicians present. Ted Cruz van Texas, Mike Lee van Utah, Marsha Blackburn van Tennessee, Rand Paul van Kentucky, Tim Scott of South Carolina (who is chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, the campaign of the Saat Gopmaker), Rick Scott of Florida.

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Among the members of the house are house speaker Mike Johnson and representatives. Byron Donalds, on his way to a 2026 run for governor in Florida, and Nancy Mace by South Carolina, who also disturbs a gubernatorial bid.

Ron Desantis government from Florida is also present, just like Vivek Ramaswamy, who launched a 2026 campaign for Ohio Governor earlier this week.

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