Monica Levinski thinks Bill Clinton should resign against the background of Affair: The largest revelations

Monica Levinski the most large revelations about Bill Clinton's affair when calling her daddy

Monica Levinsky and Bill Clinton Wireimage; Ghetto images

Nearly three decades later, Monica Levinsky thinks on his affair with Bill Clinton – And the consequences.

“I think what, you know, what we see now in today’s world, and when a grown-up female hate to break it at all 24-year-olds who listen to it because I know from 21 to, like 25, you think you know everything. You’re like, “I’m now AF – ing adult. I know everything. I am sorry to tell you that you will look back this time. I feel like, “Oh, a little 20-year-old,” Levinsky said on Wednesday, February 26th, episode of “Call her father ‘ podcast. – Yes, no. So you know, I thought it was something not, and my feelings were real. And it was very disappointing and painful for people to talk about it in a way that is incorrect. “

Levinski became the name of a household in 1998 when her two -year affair with Bill who was married to Hillary ClintonIt was discovered. He was impelled by the House of Representatives, but was acquitted on all charges in 1999. He remained in office until the end of his second term in 2001.

Years later Levinski hopes regained his identityS “Although I will always be defined in my story in some way, I am also defined by my present,” Levinsky said.

Scroll down to read Levinsky’s biggest revelations on “Call Her Dad”:

How should the affair be processed

Monica Levinski the largest revelations about Bill Clinton's affair when calling her father

Monica Levinsky President Bill Clinton was a White House function. Ghetto images

After breaking news of affairBill made a public statement, claiming that he had no sexual relations with Levinsky. Looking back, Levinsky believes that the consequences should have been processed differently.

“I think that the right way to deal with such a situation would probably be to say that it is not a business of anyone and to resign or to find a way to stay in a service that does not lie and does not throw a young man who just starts in the world under the bus,” Levinsky said. “At the same time, I hear that I say this and it’s like,” Okay, but we’re also talking about the most powerful office in the world. ” And I don’t want to be naive. “

After the scandal, Levinsky made a few public apologies – but claimed that she did not receive them in return from some participants.

“I have had a handful of people who have participated in the time I have encountered in different ways that have admitted that they want to have made different choices,” Levinsky said. “None of the people who were, you know, something like names involved in the investigation, and I am really grateful that I am in a place where I no longer need it.”

Asked if there was time, she felt as if she needed an apology, Levin replied, “Oh, surely.”

“Well, I think it’s, you know, and it’s something like something I don’t do – I don’t know that I still unpacked it completely for myself,” Levinsky continued. “I think, although I will always be defined in some way by my story, I am also defined by my present and that is – that’s important. “

After the affair

Monica Levinski the largest revelations about Bill Clinton's affair when dad call, call her dad

Monica Levinsky Call her father

Levinsky had a “many” moments of rock-roche after the news broke up for the affair.

“I suppose whatever layering, whatever happened in the news that day, whatever it was, was just too much,” she said. “And I remembered that I was thinking, well, I succeeded, the first two weeks of the investigation, I had no therapist, I could not continue medication. And in the end I was able to get a therapist who had to be a forensic psychologist who was incredible, D -rpanS I am still grateful today. And I remember thinking, “Okay, I’ll call her. And if she answers, then I stay. And if she doesn’t, I’m out. So I think about me, it was a rock bottom. “

Navigating her scandal made Levinski become a defender in the prevention of cyberbullying. “What I have experienced and now why I’m so interested in anti -bullying with young people because I understand what is online and with social media, there is no limit,” she said. “It literally feels so that the whole world laughs at you. And it’s devastating. “

She was considering changing her name

Monica Levinski the largest revelations about Bill Clinton's affair in calling her father 2

Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton Cynthia Johnson/Getty Images

As she moved forward, Lewinsky admitted that she was considering changing her name. “There was definitely a period of time when I was considering it, except that, given the world we lived in, I couldn’t even see a reality of it,” Levinsky said. “How will this really work? I’m going to walk down the street in LA where I was lifted, and come across someone and they will say “Monica” and I will say): “Oh, my name is Rebecca now.”

Levinski was also considering changing his name to his resume, but thought he would be recognized if he entered an interview. As the time progresses, Levinsky “felt very strong” that he did not want to change his manager.

“Why should I change my name?” said Levinsky. “I bet no one has asked Bill, he ever thought about changing his name? Well, I understand, because he was the most famous person at the moment, and the president, etc., but even the idea would never cross someone’s mind. I am sorry for many different decisions that I made both before ’98 and after ’98, I am a person. But I’m not ashamed of who I am. “

Levinsky’s name has now played a role why she did not deal with online dating. “Part of that why I’m not (I haven’t done online dating, it’s all, if you don’t want to use your name, you start something with a lie,” Levinsky said. “It’s not completely right.”

Her life for dating now

Monica Levinski the largest revelations about Bill Clinton's affair when daddy 4

Monica Levinski attended the Oscar party in 2023, hosted by Radchika Jones at the Wallis Anenberg Center for Walli Anenberg on March 12, 2023 in Beverly Hills, California. Karwai Tang/Wireimage

While Levinsky has “Always dated,” It was not fully successful. “I was someone who wanted to get married and have children, and I went from this point of naturally to have children, so I think it was a focus for a long time, but it was definitely my life of dating was complicated, in my opinion,” she said.

Levinsky said she had “double cases” where people did not deal with dating for the right reasons, but she was confident in her “bulls – detector”.

“There is a wide range of how intimacy goes after something like that, and it’s like, I want to say, fortunately, no one has ever asked me to wear beret in the bedroom, but I want to say that it was, it is complicated,” she said. “Look, I think our comfort level and it can be generations, but I think the level of comfort really feels as if you can have your own sexuality can completely be a single layer through which many of us go through when you add the way I was sexualized and humiliated around sex. This makes it more complicated. “

Levinski, who does not drink but not 100 percent sober, thinks he can have more intimacy if he consumes alcohol. “Now I’m kidding, if I was still drinking, I would probably have a lot more sex,” she said, clarifying that she was referring to “random sex.”

Navigation of the imbalance of power

Monica Levinski the largest revelations about Bill Clinton's affair in calling her father 3

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her husband, former US President Bill Clinton, examine during a cause of Cause Center for Clark County on February 19, 2016 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

In the mind of the Levin, the power of imbalances was not something that “talks about a lot” nearly three decades ago.

Although he admits that this is not a “sexual assault”, Levinsky said: “Therefore, there is a level of consistency that was there, and at the same time, due to the dynamics of power and difference in power, I should never be in this position.”

If there was one advice, she could tell her 22-year-old Self, Levinsky said, “Don’t go to Washington.”

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