Mindy Kaling and Megan Markle.
(Photo by Kevin Mazur/Getty Images D -Ja Foundation for Women and Arturo Holmes/Getty Images)Mindi Kaling Downloads what she says is a common misconception for her friend Megan Markle.
In a Time Magazine The interview, published Wednesday, February 19, Kaling, 45, insisted that the Duchess of Sussex was “down to the ground”.
“I think the wrong conception of Megan is that she is somehow vain or has expectations for fantasy,” Kaling told The Outlet.
Referring to Markle’s skill for fun, Kaling added: “She is really a lower person who knows a lot of fun tricks to make fun and cooking easier.”
Kaling and Markle, 43 -year -old, recently united for Netflix New Lifestyle Series, With love, Megan., Which will descend on the streaming platform on March 4th. Trailer for the show includes Markle, who rustle in a Kaling dish in the home kitchen she shares with her husband Prince Harry in Montesito, California.
“I was on maternity leave with my daughter in March and April, and Megan sent me a message that she was doing a show where she would cook for her friends,” Kaling told TimeS “Would I like to come to Montesito and cook it for me? I wanted to take care of this moment in my life. It was a fun maternity leave field. “

Megan Markle and Mindy Kaling
With the kind assistance of NetflixShe continued: “I went with a basket of fresh products and a homemade sweet and hot sauce, because she knew I loved hot sauce. She was a very generous woman who knew I needed a break. “
This is not the first time Kaling Praise Markle And her cooking skills. She said Deadline In January, this Markle “surprisingly blown me out of the water” when Suits Alum was preparing for her while shooting the series.
“The thing in her recipes and the fact that she is just really affordable,” Kaling continued. “She has a garden from scratch that I could never do, and chickens … Probably everyone would die if I tried to take care of the chickens. I was like, “Oh, that’s very affordable.”
Kaling said, Visit the couple’s home Although he was around at that time.
However, she said the word on the street is that the prince also has some impressive cooking skills.
“I heard he’s actually a pretty good cook,” she added. “He knows his way around the kitchen.”