Why ABC’s TGIF viewers were wrong all the time

ABC S TGIF Creator reveals that children from the 90s have been wrong all the time

Fans of the ABC programming block of the 1990s with the last century with Full house., Boy meets the world And they are still a huge shock.

“(TGIF) is not” Thank God it’s Friday “. Boy meets the world Star Daniel Fisel confirmed in the last episode of her “POD meets the world” A podcast on Monday, February 17th.

The confusion of what initials in “TGIF” have been in decades, with fans of classic sitcoms being like Family matters., Sabrina the teenage witch and Step by step Understandable acceptance that the abbreviation meant “thank God it’s Friday.”

Fishel and her “pods meet in the world” Rider strong and Will friel Finally cleared the mystery once and for all when the creator and executive producer of “TGIF” and the executive producer were clarified Jim Gianichek That the abbreviation actually stands for “thank God is funny.”

“We (first) talked about things like” Friday Fun Club, “Janicek revealed in a podcast. “There is a whole list somewhere (brands names) that I could probably dig, but I remember this one. You know, “It’s Friday night.” Very small short reports. “

Gianichek continued: “I don’t remember exactly where he came from (” TGIF “). This was on our list! “

Gianichek remembered that ABC was uncertain when TGIF was placed because it could cause a legal dispute with the TGI chain restaurant Friday.

ABC S TGIF Creator reveals that children from the 90s have been wrong all the time

“We animated the open. And then (ABC leaders) Stu Broer and Bob Iger called and said, “We landed on TGIF. We want to call it tgif, “he said. “So there we got the name there and started to revive these letters outdoors and went from there.”

The CEO of the television continued: “I believe Bob came out with” Thank God it’s funny “to avoid conflict with every restaurant.”

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ABC debuts “TGIF” on September 22, 1989 with a two -hour block of youth sitcoms starting at 20:00 with Full housefollowed by Family matters., Perfect strangers and Only the ten of us In the coming weeks. As the brand became more and more popular in the 90’s, the hit shows like Step by step., Dinosaurs and Hook up with Mr. Cooper have been added to “tgif” while Full house Others were put on a column in other weeks.

Gianichek told Pod meeting World that TGIF is successful because she is specially taking care of families and young people on a night they usually go out.

“It must be family, family, family. We could really hit this, “remembered the executive, which he told ABC. “I made the comment in (meeting with ABC) … They talked about broadcasting and all the different dimensions of it, but I said …” Why don’t we consider a close stretch a little to a very specific audience? Like many of these so -called cable networks, they begin to do. “

ABC S TGIF Creator reveals that children from the 90s have been wrong all the time

Gianichek noted that since TGIF turned out to be a hit on the ratings, ABC is largely “with hand”, allowing him to manage the brand as he considered it good.

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“TGIF” is retired after the 1999-2000 television season where Boy meets the world., Hughleys., Sabrina the teenage witch and Setting up the group Compound the final composition. ABC tried to update the brand at different points, including reference to Brief Dramas Grey’s anatomy., Scandal and How to get out of murder Like “Tgit (Thank God it’s Thursday)” from 2014 to 2018

ABC recently tried to revive TGIF during the 2017-2018 television season, where it uses branding for family sites Fresh from the boat and Silent leading Fred Savage and Ricky Gervac“A short -lived game show Child supportS Since then the net has returned to use the brand “ABC Friday night” for Shark tank and 20/20 to run your schedule over the weekend.

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