Rose and Carolina.
Disney/Matt Sayles (2)The consequences of “Thinking about you” -Gate again lifted his ugly head Grant Ellis“The season of bachelor.
RoseA 27-year-old nurse who chose to self-imminent during Monday, February 17, an episode of the ABC series after her drama with CarolinaA 29-year-old PR producer, transferred from the third week.
Fourth Week began with the group traveling from the mansion to Spain, with a 32-year-old lawyer ignored Getting the first date one on one. Calling herself “Ice Queen” several times during the date while examining Madrid, Dina opened for being one of 11 siblings and struggling to share her feelings in her large family. 31 -year -old Grant told her that he reminded him to his mother (But not in a strange way he promised!) And he gave Dina Rosa.
However, Carolina, who went to a meeting one in Vegas during the February 10 episode, was not happy to find out she was on a group date. “If I am lucky to kiss someone in front of me,” she replied after being caught complaining that she wanted more time in front of women who had no time again.
After a quick intermedia with Paris is ParisBad day – she has a pimple! It burns to her curl of iron! Her spray tan is “chipping!” – We see women go to a donkey donkey and try to make a mechanical bull after Matador class. We see and ZoeA 27-year-old technology engineer and model stands out with a grant for adopting and growing up as a black woman in a mostly white neighborhood.
The emotional moment would usually lead to a group date for Zoe, but instead Grant decided not to give honor to anyone after honor JulianaA 28-year-old customer service associate was confronted with Carolina that she was not grateful for the time she had with Grant. The other women have Julian’s back, making Carolina crying – and Grant walks just in time to pull her away and comfort her. (While it’s always hard to say who It really is the problemJuliana who decided to apologize for her role in Grant’s decision not to distribute the rose seems to Carolina is really the drama.))

Grant Ellis
Disney/John FleenorGrant later went to a second meeting one of one, this time bungee jumps in the rain with Seraphine29-year-old associated media director. Things almost turned when Grant thought Seraphine was not attracted to him because he didn’t give her everything When they kissBut she later explained that she just plays it safely because her mother is watching. (The most relieving fourth wall break in the history of the bachelor?) Seraphine opened that something is always missing in its past relationships and gave him a rose by Grant.
When it came time for the cocktail, Grant quickly pulled Juliana to hear more about the drama with Carolina. After she has completed it for her worries, Grant informed Carolina that she is valid in her feelings, but she should only express them – not the other girls. We have to give up on him to provide the way he handles this one! Carolina is extra and she has to realize that she is on a bachelor, but it is simply to question why you have such strong feelings after a dude meeting.
In the meantime, Rose – who said to Grant earlier in the episode that she was worried after her last drama with Carolina – was not happy when Dina decided to comfort and promote Carolina (who was still emotional) in front of the group. (Icymi last week Rose told Carolina that Grant said he was thinking of Rose during his solo dance with Carolina on the group’s group. Causing his relationship with Rose to suffer.)
Rose told Carolina that she was feeling “F – ED” of her “great time”, explaining that he thinks he trusts a friend when he repeats what Grant said to her. Subsequently, Rose decided to leave the show by informing Grant before the rose ceremony on Monday.
“I’ve been struggling for a long time, struggling to stay and fight through my own emotions. Everything that happened to Carolina is so defused about my relationship, which was so good, “Rose told the cameras. “This is definitely a turning point for me.”
At Rose Grant’s ceremony, he informed women that Rose left, admitting that he had been injured by her decision, but explained that it was a reminder to all of them, that it was their choice to be here.
When it distributes roses, the bad day to Parisa worsens as Carolina provides the final rose. And that’s right, Grant comes down to her last seven – Carolina, Dina, Serafina, Zoey, Juliana, Lidati and AlexiS
Bachelor Airs Monday at ABC at 8:00 pm.