Why combining chocolate with tea is beneficial for your health

Both tea and chocolate Have a rich, unique history of thousands of years. Tea made his debut in 2737 BC, when the legend has that the Chinese emperor Shen Nung narrowed under a tree when some leaves accidentally blew into it, according to several sources.

Tea Sommelier Piotr Miga, based in Greater Boston, explained to Fox News Digital how recent evidence suggested that the people of Ecuador used cocoa 5,300 years ago – but noted that Europe only reached the beginning of the 16th century, when Spanish explorers It brought it over.

Soon the word spread over the Health properties of these two delicacies. “By the 17th century, both tea and chocolate were considered high -scale, fashionable and medicinal in nature,” Miga explained.

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Tea and chocolate, especially pure chocolate, he explained, contain many antioxidant polyphenols, which focus on free radicals and the Risk of cancer And have other health benefits.

Healthline reports that the antioxidants and flavanols in cocoa and dark chocolate can reduce inflammation and help keep the endothelial cells that cover your arteries healthily. The medical magazine also describes how popular teas such as green tea, ginger and pinkhip can also fight the fight and prevent oxidative damage.

A woman laughs while sitting on a couch with a cup of tea in one hand and a chocolate bar in the other.

Tea and chocolate contain many antioxidant polyphenols.

Tea and chocolate are usually served at the end of a meal with dessert, Especially on special occasions such as Valentine’s Day. Miga explained that tea is more appreciated in British and Eastern countries, while in France and Italy people are more inclined to drink wine.

Miga believes that dark chocolate complements black, PU’er or herbal tea with flavors of berries, roses or citrus. He described how milk chocolate or a chocolate pedessert “would combine nicely with black tea picked in early spring, what we call first Flush tea or oolong tea.”

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Amy Sherman, San Francisco -based tea lover and editor -in -chief of the chocolate professor, said Fox News Digital that the same rules apply to combining chocolate with tea as chocolate With wine.

“You can contrast or you can supplement,” she said. “There are many different styles of chocolate and tea, so it lends itself to many experiments.”

Two glasses of red wine are displayed on a table next to pieces of chocolate.

The same rules apply to combining chocolate with tea as chocolate with wine, a tea lover told Fox News Digital. (Istock)

Sherman agreed with Miga’s suggestion to combine pure chocolate with Black tea. She also said she loves Earl Gray Tea, a black tea with a citrus -like bergamot taste, combined with chocolate – because “citrus and chocolate (are) a nice combination.”

When it comes to choosing the right tea to sip with a chocolate coin, Sherman said: “It depends on it.”

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“If you try to improve the mint taste, I would have a mint tea,” she said. “If you want something to cut the mint taste, I would go with a black tea (like) English breakfast or orange pekoe.”

Because chocolate caramel is extremely sweet, Sherman thought it would best be combined with “something that has a stronger character”, such as Lapsang Souchong, a smoky black tea.

To reduce the strong sweetness of milk chocolate, Sherman suggested combining it with green tea, which has an earthly, milder taste.

A bird's eye view with a cup of tea, a stirring spoon and a plate of chocolates.

Tea and chocolate are usually served at the end of a meal with dessert. (Istock)

She suspected that red tea (rooibos), which has a honey flavor, would go well with bittersweet chocolate, chocolate covered nuts or toffee, or even strawberries or cherries that are immersed in chocolate.

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“With a few fruity chocolates I would go with a rooibos or hibiscus that has his own taste that is really strong, or I would go with a black tea, what a contrast would be,” Sherman said.

Chocolate with sea salt or chocolate -covered popcorn would go best with matcha tea, made from green tea leaves and has a frothy bitterness, she explained.

Sherman described how the sweetness of white chocolate infections, such as bonbons or truffles, the delicate flowers of herbal tea or the mild taste of chamomile supplements. Because white chocolate is made of cocoa butter, instead of solid fabrics from cocoa, it also has a milder taste.

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Another popular trend, she said, his chocolate bars with tea taste.

Pieces of chocolate sit next to a glass of tea and a napkin on a table.

Chocolate bars with tea flavor are a popular trend. (Istock)

William Mullan, brand director of Raaka Chocolate in Brooklyn, New York, told Fox News Digital that his company has been producing chocolate-teabars in-house since 2014, with the debut of their Earl Gray Unrosted Dark Chocolate Bar.

Just as some teas can bring forward the sweetness of dark chocolate bars, the health properties of each can also work together as mood amplifiers, Mullen said.

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“Theobromine and caffeine are both stimulants, and they can help with focus and mood,” he said. “If you want to get something done and want to be spicy and focused, a little chocolate and a little tea can be chemically a very affordable thing in the right dose.”