Melissa O’Neal of a rookie annoys Lucy and Tim’s future after connecting

The rookie Meliss Oil breaks Lucy and Tim Hotel

Melissa O’Neal as Lucy Chen and Eric Winter as Tim Bradford Disney/Raymond Liu

Melissa O’Neal admitted that she had “many feelings” to the will of Lucy and Tim, no-romance in season 7 of Rookie – But how did you feel about their hotel hooking them?

Warning: Spoilers from below from Season 7, Episode 6 of the rookie.

During Tuesday, February 11th, episode of the ABC series, Lucy Chen (O’Neal) and Tim Bradford (Eric Winter) found themselves in a hotel room after Lapd Valentine’s GalaS

After a battle with a bar left a team with a cut on the back of the neck, Lucy jumped to help. The former couple, who called her to give up in Season 6, was in close premises, as Lucy was striving for a Tim injury while he was without a shirt. Although they both agreed that they should not go through this line, they finally hooked up – and actress O’Neal has some thoughts.

“I think that is how strong their relationship is,” O’Neal said at 36, said extremely US Weekly On the romantic sex scene. “I am sure he is very, very, very far from their mind (to hang), but also the adrenaline of a team who enters the battle, and then he has as a cut. Is there glass there? Like, what’s going on? It’s on the back of your neck. How exactly will you clean it? “

The rookie star Melissa Oil talks about this delightful moment of Chenford in the 100th Episode 220

Related: The Rookie star Melissa O’Neal dishes at a charming moment “Chenford”

The rookie star Melissa O’Neal opens for the sweet moment between her character Lucy Chen and Tim Bradford to Eric Winter during the 100th episode of the show. “Do you know what? This (scene) was charming, “O’Neal told TVLINE on Tuesday, February 27, interview. “This is one of those exciting situations when, when Alexi directed (…)

The actress explained that she was “practicality” to “how they entered this environment”, which opened the door to their intimate moment after months of avoidance.

“Once they are so close to each other, the proximity of their bodies, and she is in a beautiful dress and they are dressed and are in private space and in a beautiful hotel room, not only is it like a moment of time, as if they were are completely in foreign territory right now, “O’Neal said.

The rookie Meliss Oil breaks Lucy and Tim Hotel
Disney/Mike Taing

She acknowledged, “This is almost like all bets are excludedS We are not in any kingdom that is familiar. You’ve never seen me in this dress. We have never been in this hotel room. It’s almost like they are exactly anywhere else. “

O’Neal noted that “despite himself”, admitting that “we should not, and we cannot” do this, between the two cannot cut a “unspoken relationship” that cannot be refused.

“She can’t help her,” said the TV star, revealing that Lucy’s “internal experience” of “I shouldn’t do this and S, but I can’t help myself and I’m glad I did it” is completely relaxing.

Once long -awaited connection It happens, both Tim and Lucy know they should talk about the elephant in the room. However, they step up most of the conversation in the morning afterwards and leave it until they are in the Lapd elevator together to set some basic rules.

During this scene, Lucy tells him that they cannot do it again and he agrees. However, O’Neal said USA The fact that even Lucy does not believe they will follow the so -called rules.

“Now that this type of line is crossed, I firmly believe that it is orally and mentally it absolutely means what it says. But I don’t even think she buys it, ”O’Neal said with a laugh.

The rookie Meliss Oil breaks Lucy and Tim Hotel
Disney/Mike Taing

The actress pointed out that “juicy things” – where a person clearly says that the rest of the seasonS

“You’re like: Oh girl, it’s not going to go well. But I love you to try – annoy O’Neal, adding, “We’ll see what in the end. But when I played at that moment, even I was like, “Oh, God, Lucy, as, what would happen?”

As for their future, O’Neal said USA It will take more of the physical relationship so that Lucy can fully engage with Tim after he pulls the plug of their romance. (Tim cancel their relationship During Season 6, after learning that Lucy’s pull in his past drama could fire her.)

“For Lucy, this will require (yes) requires a lot of real conversation and accountability. She will not only slide into something if nothing has changed, especially because he is the one who said he could not do it, “O’Neal explained.

She pointed out that Lucy is the type of person who will tell Tim, “I won’t let you tell me you don’t want me twice.”

“She will need a real sincere conversation and accountability, because he somehow has given her to dry,” O’Neal revealed, noting, “It’s like a classic attachment to avoidance. Like: “Okay, then you really fight and so now you want, like, isolate yourself and cut me? It makes sense. “

If Tim does not come up with a way to release his walls and show progress at the end, O’Neal said that Lucy would still have strong work relationships with him.

“Their intimacy is beyond just romance and physical. She respects him, she respects his opinion and appreciates his contribution, “she told Lucy’s relationship with a team in the office. “She leans on him in this way about his thoughts in the professional environment. She wants his advice and this intimacy exists for them. “

O’neil concluded that Lucy and Tim are a “good team” that “balances each other” As police officersS

She annoys: “But as far as the romantic thing is concerned, I think it would be important for her to have this (conversation) before they can really immerse themselves seriously in relationships.”

Rookie ABC air Tuesday at 10:00 pm Et.