Chris Jones asked Travis Kels for the secret of Taylor Swift’s pop tarta

Bosses DT Chris Jones really wants Taylor Swift s Diy Pop Tarts Recipe Her crust is fire 028

Chris Jones, Taylor Swift. Getty Images (2)

Defense city of Kansas City Chris Jones cannot be obtained enough Taylor swiftHomemade Baked goods – and who can blame it?

“Do you know what, call to The Tay,” Jones told 30 years to Kansas City Star On Friday, February 7th, before the superbrow in 2025, “Her pop chats are incredible.”

He continued: “I asked a traum (because) I don’t know how she gets the pop tarta bark, so fire. The bark tastes like biscuits, I swear. But, call Tay Tay, it’s real. “

Swift, 35, meet Jones Team Travis Kels Since the summer of 2023, it often cheers the victories of the NFL team. The pop star also loves Bake homemade treats For her friends.

After the superiors won a regular match of the season in November 2024, Swift sent Jones and partner Shewna weathersbywho share two sons, a box of “Pop Cat of Victory”. Weathersby who often sits with swift and a partner of the superiors Haria Gordon In a private apartment in the days of the games, they shared footage of treats through her Instagram history.

The pop cakes, decorated with white or blue frost and an array of multicolored sprinkles, are available in a custom box.

Bosses DT Chris Jones really wants Taylor Swift s Diy Pop Tarts Recipe Its Bark is fire 025
With the kind assistance of David Merrit, Senior/Instagram

“Pop-Tarty of Victory!” Swift writes to the exterior. “Congratulations !! Love, Taylor. “

Jones and Kels, 35 -year -old, are not the only NFL stars who taste like Swift’s culinary creations.

Bosses DT Chris Jones really wants Taylor Swift s Diy Pop Tarts Recipe Her crust is fire 026

Travis Kels, Taylor Swift. Jamie Squire/Getty Images

“A look behind the scenes … She likes to cook, so make offensive liners these home pop codes,” the chief coach of the principal Andy Reed said In an interview for February 2024 in NFL Scouting Combine. – So it’s over. She knew exactly where to go. She did not give me one, and the offensive liners definitely did not give me one. “

Meanwhile, Kels made the process of cooking swift behind the scenes in action. In April 2024 on YouTube Swift shared a short fragment of Kels kissed her on the cheek While she was throwing vegetables in a sauer pan.

“I Enjoy well cooking with her, So this is something I would prefer to maintain personally, “Kels later replied during a press conference in June 2024 when asked about his favorite recipes to make. “Taylor makes a great pop tart and a cinnamon roll.”

Swift has recently traveled to New Orleans to support Kels and chiefs in Super Bowl Lix On Sunday, February 9th. She is expected to watch the game – a red, naturally – from private apartment Together with Kels’s family and friends.

Before the championship of NFL, Swift and Kels I went to dinner With the defender’s chief Patrick and his wife, BrittanyIn Lilate on Friday.