LV Bonaparte breaks an episode of the southern hospitality: feuds, drama

Bonaparte Cam is a total boss at Republic Garden & Lounge – but she is not always on board with how the staff and stars of Southern hospitality Act.

45 -year -old levs sat down with US Weekly And destroy the biggest moments from Thursday, February 6, an episode of the Bravo series and the most intensive storylines this season. It annoys how “hard” it is to watch Amy Sharet and Will Kulp Deal with a second scandal of scam for two seasons.

“They are like these, not my children, but I am interested in,” said USAAdmitting, “I hate to see Emmy so stressed. I hate Will to feel so alienated and fight and run out of the camera because he doesn’t know how to handle it. “

LV Bonaparte breaks the episode of southern hospitality

Bonaparte Cam US Weekly

The lev refers to Emmy and Will is struck every time their voice concerns votes for their relationship. It was obvious during the episode on Thursday when Will arrived late in Las Vegas late and pretended that he and Emmy were completely good – when the rest of the cast had just learned from Austin Stefan This will seem to have sex with a woman while in a law school.

Lev also gave up on USA about why she is not surprised Grace Lily Spat on her sound check and why she invested in FogDJ’s career.

Scroll down to see the lev – and Madi – insight after the episode of this week:

Austin of all this

LV Bonaparte breaks the episode of southern hospitality

Austin Stefan and TJ Dinch in the Southern Hospitality. Brian Stephi/Bravo

During the episode of January 30 at Southern hospitalityAustin told the greater part of the Republic’s employees that he had recently heard that Will was incorrect during a law school. On the episode on Thursday, more footage from the group conversation was released.

“She said he was in the bathroom,” Austin told her colleagues, claiming that the woman would cheat, that she had told her friends this story.

“I don’t believe all the work with Austin,” Carter Pal Tj dinch After arriving in Las Vegas as a team.

In the meantime, TJ said, “I think Austin has heard these things from his ex -girlfriend.” He claims that Austin will not tell them anymore because “he is afraid that this will sabotage their newly discovered relationships.”

The southern hospitality Amy cries mascara tears after being planted by friends

Related: Emmy on the southern hotel management cries mascara tears after ambush over Will

Emmy Share had a complete collapse during the last episode of the southern hospitality after being planted by her friends because of problems with boyfriend Will Kulp. On Thursday, January 23, the episode of the Bravo series, Michols Peña expressed his concerns about how Will treat Emmy. “I laugh because Will is (…)

Madi Extremely said USA On Thursday, until Will had “no services” this season with these rumors, she was more “shocked that Austin brought it to the table.”

“He was just our quiet colleague. This is the most shocking. I think if TJ said something like that, “Oh, I was out this weekend,” I’ll probably take it as a grain salt, “she explained. “Or if maybe Brad has done it or Joe (Bradley) He said that. But the fact that Austin did, our quiet colleague, who still doesn’t know much about the group, that if nothing else, he was the most shocking part of all this for us. “

Lev, meanwhile, said extremely USA that she thinks the group wants Will and Amy to “succeed”.

“They wanted to hear from Amy,” Yes, I knew. I knew everything that was said, and I’m fine with him, “she explained. “And Emmy should be good with the people who judged her to be fine with that.”

Amy and will fight to navigate in his romance

LV Bonaparte breaks the episode of southern hospitality

Will Culp, Amy Sharet and Mia Alario in the Southern Hospitality. Brian Stephi/Bravo

“You always have so much empathy, but also because I have made a reality, I am also by” leaning to own things. Just move on – said Lev USA to her reaction to Will and Emmy’s drama this seasonS “Avoiding reality TV just makes him return.”

During the episode on Thursday, Will missed his flight from Charleston to Vegas, causing more friction within the group. Many of their friends were wondering if Will was deliberately late, as the cast was cautious about his actions against all the rumors of infidelity.

Levs explained that until she saw a “receipt”, proving that he was cheating, she would not think she was incorrect. She revealed that if Emmy would be honest on their long -distance issues with the group, “everyone would give up.” Because they said, “We are better than ever,” he raised more questions.

Madi agreed, she told USA That if the couple took “accountability” and said, “Hey, our relationship is not perfect all the time and things are happening,” but they were sticking out, the group would continue.

“I think Will has something to answer. And I think Amy has invested so much in the relationship that it’s hard to leave, “Madi added.

Emmy’s over -reactions

LV Bonaparte breaks the episode of southern hospitality

Amy Sharet, Miholls Pena, Madi Reese and Will Kling in the Southern Hospitality. Brian Stephi/Bravo

During the episode on Thursday, Amy began to panic when Will called and told her that he had missed his flight. She began to stop in the car because of the thought of being in Vegas without the will to protect her from control.

“I even looked at Emmy like,” Are you fine? “, Lvus told before USA After seeing Amy to go from zero to 100 throughout the season. “(She had) many, very big reactions. Don’t get me wrong, she’s some kind of dramatic girl and a little OCD, an alarming girl, but she was on a completely different level. “

Lev also revealed that he did not know why Emmy would be so stressed because he “does not work so much” in the Republic. “You are in Aspen and then work on two shifts. You happen to be cold every day. You are (on the sauna), you have a steak. I have the feeling that you have to be in the best mental space, “said Lev.

Madi noted that Emmy went into panic mode when Will left her alone with the group again – he eventually appeared – he seemed to be a flowing topic with them.

“I think she is also looking for the will to be there to speak on her behalf or to give answers to everyone, and he is not something,” Madi admitted. “It was really hard to have to protect Will when he wasn’t there. But in order to be honest, I have the feeling that it should not be so difficult to have answers instead of reactions. “

Grace and Madi are heated

LV Bonaparte breaks the episode of southern hospitality

Grace Lily and Madi Reese in the Southern Hospitality. Brian Stephi/Bravo

At the end of the episode of Thursday, Madi is disappointed that Grace is not to his side as he prepares to take the stage of DJ in Las Vegas. Grace missed Soundcheck that afternoon that already made Madi restless. With five minutes to her set, Grace is not yet found, which at first glance contributes to the rubbing between longtime friends.

“Grace lives on the planet Grace,” lev told before USA After watching the stressful scene. She added that Grace’s inability to arrive on time was “one of the reasons,” which she no longer works in a republic.

Lev explained: “She is really marching from the rhythm of her own drum,” noting that she “I felt about Madi“Who offered the grace the opportunity to perform his song in front of a massive crowd.

Lev also revealed that he manages Madi’s career with her husband, Lamar BonaparteSo it was disappointing to see the lack of respect for the concert.

“It was like” Show yourself. She ran her neck for you. You did not receive this concert. She did it – said Lev, annoys that the feud of Madi and Grace Season 3 is “much deeper” than to be late with her DJ event.

Madi, in turn, to say USA That she expected the grace to be late because of her “past”, but that did not make her less stressed.

“I just feel about grace (but to move forward), it’s more so, after all, I believe her to be this type of reliable friend,” she annoys. “After all, it’s hard for me to get angry at her, just because it’s exactly who she is and I love her for what she is, but in the end you will run out of options. You can help someone so much before you self -destruct. “

Southern hospitality Bravo Air Thursday at 9:00 pm.

Considering Christina Garibaldi